Monday, November 10, 2008

nothing like a good cry

Saturday was just one of those days. I don't know what was up with me, but I was in a major funk. Actually, the first part of the day was great. We ran some errands in Boise, went out to lunch, bought a new ottoman and kitchen table, and spent time together as a family. But, for some reason, that night I was just really anxious and on the verge of tears. This is not totally unusual for me (or for any girl, for that matter). Well, later that night I just completely broke down. It's always the usual things that I cry about, but when it hits...IT HITS! I'm so thankful that I have such a wonderful husband who listens to me, reminds me to breathe, and wants to help me however he can. I can say whatever I want to, and he doesn't think I'm crazy. I always feel better after I cry and feel like everything is going to be okay. I was able to get some of the things done that have been stressing me out, and I got to go to the gym today and have a good workout. I'm feeling so much better! You'd think by now I'd be used to these periodic meltdowns (for a while there this summer, they were occurring a little too often) and just go with it. I guess it's just a part of life.

On a happier note, like I mentioned above, we finally finished all of our major shopping for the house. We were able to find this really cool ottoman that has a ton of storage in it for Elsie's toys. The only bad part is they aren't going to get it in until December, so I have to wait to get it. We also bought a new kitchen table with a butterfly leaf in it for our not so big dining area. It's going to be perfect for that area. Now I can actually host my family for Thanksgiving, and we don't have to eat on a little card table. I'm excited!

I was reading my cousin, Samantha's, blog about listening to good music. It inspired me to get on iTunes last night and download some new (and some not so new) songs. There's nothing like good music to make you happy and get you going. I made myself a new playlist for working out. Elsie and I had a major dance party today!


Angie said...

oh kimmy i'm so sorry you had a bad day. if aaron ever gets tired of listening you know i'm here.

Jill said...

I hear you about the good cry. Everything is always better once you get it all out. Can't wait to see more of your new stuff. New stuff is so much fun!

::lindsay said...

Sorry about your bad day. I have those periodically too. Hang in there!

Thanksgiving will be very fun this year! I can't wait to see you guys!

Tom Earl said...

You have been that way since you were a little girl......I think that it is glorious! Embrace it! We love you!

Nicole said...

I go through the same thing at times and Jeff is great to help me through it. Thank goodness for GREAT husbands!
Hope you are feeling better :D

Love you guys!!

Nicole said...

I go through the same thing at times and Jeff is great to help me through it. Thank goodness for GREAT husbands!
Hope you are feeling better :D

Love you guys!!

Nicole said...

I wish we had your kind of money!! I can't believe Aaron was so worried about getting my ten bucks?


Colleen said...

I am sorry the day was bad, but sometimes it feels good to just get it all out. I definitely have those days and always feel so much better when they have passed than I did for the few days before hand!
Love you!

lysh said...

We all have those days! It's the best when we don't even know what is setting us off. There is nothing like a good cry though. PS I was totally going to blog asking people about good music to workout to...I am so over my music right now.

Kacey Nielsen said...

It makes me feel really good that you and Elsie have dance parties. There is nothing I love more than busting a groove in the kitchen with Scarlet. It's the best!