Wednesday, May 5, 2010

:) :(


Elsie and I are getting haircuts on Friday. I'm just trimming mine to help the grow-out. I 'm going to cut at least a few inches off Elsie's hair for summer. She's really excited!

My big "Amazing Race" activity that I'm in charge of is tonight. It should be fun...but I'll be glad when it's over. It has reminded me so much of our family reunion from last summer. What a blast!!

Charlie is doing very well. We have already enjoyed spending time with him and taking him on walks. It will be even better when this windy, cold weather goes away. Elsie loves him so much and does really well with him and all his puppiness! In fact, she's better about it than I am. I feel like our family was missing something, so it's nice to have a dog again. (Wow! I never thought I'd say things like this. Ha ha.)


I don't know if I'm going to be able to run my half-marathon. I've had a leg/hip injury for a few weeks now that just isn't getting better. I stopped working out a week ago because it was just too painful when I tried to do anything...especially run. It feels a little better with the rest, but I just don't know if it's worth pushing myself that much. I want to be able to continue to workout on a regular basis. I'm sad! I feel like I know the right thing to do, but I don't want to do it. I was really looking forward to accomplishing a goal that I had to work really hard for, and I was excited to do it with some friends.

My YW President was pregnant with twins and due in August. She has had her fair share of difficulty in getting pregnant and staying pregnant. On Friday morning her water broke and they were able to stop the labor until Sunday evening. She ended up giving birth to her twins (a boy and girl) at about 27 weeks along. They are actually doing as well as can be excpected. That's the good news. But, boy oh boy, has this brought up all sorts of memories and emotions in me these past couple days!! I'm totally not trying to make this all about me, but I can't help but think about things. I feel like I should not have such sadness and bitterness still, but I do.


Angie said...

:) nothing like a good haircut to make things better
can't wait to meet charlie, I bet Q will love him
you'll have to tell me how the activity goes...i'm sure it'll be super fun.

:( It's okay to be bitter still. Just know I love you, and hurt for you as well.

Anonymous said...

:(Of course those feelings are still there. That was and is a hard thing. Sorry.

:)I've been wanting to do an Amazing Race again for something..anything. It was just so much fun. good luck. Daishan

Alissa Maxwell said...

I don't know how you could NOT have all those feelings. It shows how special Paxton life was and how much of an impact he will always have on you. Blessings.

Cali said...

Paxton was your baby boy, a part of your heart really. I wish we could have seen him grow up. Love you Kim.

Peggy Dee said...

Trials give us needed empathy that we can use to help others going through similar events. There are some things that can only be understood and fully appreciated by those who have gone through it. It's nice that your friend has you! It's okay to feel sad, though. Just remember it's only temporary!

Colleen said...

I would be feeling just as you do, Kim! Your loss will never stop breaking your heart and you shouldn't feel badly about your feelings. Thank goodness we know dear Paxton is still a part of your family. I don't know how someone who doesn't have our faith copes.

I had to stop my marathon training a couple of summers ago because of a strain in my foot. I was up to 15 miles and I was so mad. But we are young, and we can always do it later. Let yourself heal, and then go for it again. And make sure you go to a good shoe place next time you start up training and have them fit you in a shoe with good support for that leg/hip. A good pair of shoes makes a huge difference!

melanie said...

I can't imagine that sadness ever leaving your tender heart. I love what Cali said. He is part of your heart and wont ever leave. So sweet. Thinking of you Kim!

lysh said...

I don't know if it's because I haven't had kids yet but I think of you often and the challenges you have had. You are such a strong person. Don't be so hard on yourself. I wouldn't expect any other feelings. You are such a wonderful person and what you've experienced would be beyond difficult for anyone.

I wouldn't push it where the running thing is concerned. I know you know isn't worth it. Let yourself heal. You can run a different half marathon. I bet your friends would run a different one with you...if they won't I will. My podiatrist advised me not to do anything high impact for 6 months or so. It felt like forever but I did heal and haven't had a problem since.