Sunday, October 17, 2010

We did it!

Yes, in less than three months time, Aaron and I have watched all 6 seasons of LOST. I feel like I've accomplished something very huge! I'm sad it's over. (Does that sound pathetic?!) I kinda can't believe how much time we spent watching it, but we became obsessed and couldn't stop. I haven't cried from a show/movie in a long while like I did during a few of the episodes. We're talking major tears! And I have determined that I must get arms like Kate's.


Jill said...

I was very sad when it ended too. We rewatch occasionally when nothing is on-we don't have cable, so nothing is on a lot.

Angie said...

Very impressive!

Now you and jared/Lindsay can discuss Lost stuff when we get together...that's gonna be awesome...

Anonymous said...

seriously. you guys are awesome!! :) Ben wants to know if you want to sell your season 6, we will totally buy it from you. Let me know!!

Shelly said...

Gotta love Kate's arms! Seriously! Welcome back to the world of the living...don't get too bored! :)

::lindsay said...

Isn't that show like the best ever! I loved it and it really got you thinking. I'm sad it's over too.

Peggy Dee said...

We were original Lost fans and they they lost us. We never finished the last 2 seasons. We think the writers forgot where they were going with it. It was so good in the beginning and then it went off on so many tangents. We started watching it as as a family and each year we lost another watcher until it was down to just David and me. One episode at the start of season 5 maybe, we looked at each other and we both said at the same time - I don't really care what happens. Maybe some day we'll finish it. If you liked it then that's a good endorsement!

Brysons said...

Thanks for reminding me that that show is I miss it again. :( Congrats and that is a HUGE accomplishment!