Thursday, September 20, 2007

why does this have to happen to me?

I don't know why these kind of things happen to me. Maybe it's because I just blogged about a very embarrassing moment I had with a mirror. I think I cursed myself. Well, yesterday evening Aaron and I decided to go to Taco Del Mar for dinner. We had sat down at our table, and, like usual, I was sitting pretty far forward toward the edge of my chair. I went to reach for Elsie, and my world came crashing down! That's right, the chair slipped out from underneath me, and I went crashing to the floor. It was the loudest noise ever, and I was so embarrassed. I remember thinking to myself as it was happening, "Can't I stop this? Please stop, chair." It didn't help that right then someone was walking into the restaurant (yes, we were sitting right by the door), and she asks, "Are you okay?" Yes, I was ok, I just felt like the biggest idiot. As I'm getting up, I see Aaron who is already laughing. He claims he asked me if I was ok before he started laughing, but I don't know about that. By this time, I was laughing (at least I didn't cry). There weren't too many people in the restaurant...thank goodness. We laughed for a good while. I was so embarrassed!! I'm sure Aaron was, too. Aaron told me I had to blog about it, which was good because I didn't really have anything else that has happened this week. Now you can all share in my pain!


Angie said...

hahahahhahahahaaa. thanks for the laugh kimmie.

Kacey Nielsen said...

It always makes things 10 times more embarassing when someone asks you if youre ok! Great story!

::lindsay said...

Too funny! I can picture it in my head!

ashleyboice said...

Ohhh...I hate falling. It seems to take me a day to recover...just from the shock of it.