Friday, January 16, 2009

Birthday Fun

We didn't really go crazy for Elsie's birthday this year because 1) it's right after Christmas and 2) she really doesn't care. I was tempted to not even make a cake since I knew she wouldn't eat it. Aaron and I are both doing WW, so having a full cake around the house did not seem like a good idea. Aaron convinced me that we needed to make a cake (at least for pictures) and so invited a few friends over to join the party.

I took Elsie to the doctor this week for her check-up. She now weighs a whopping 21.5 pounds and is 31.5 inches tall. That puts her in the first percentile for both. I talked to the doctor about Elsie's eating habits. The doctor isn't super concerned about her weight (she is really fine for her height) but more about her nutrition. She recommended I go see this eating specialist to try to get some help. I'm not totally sold on the idea. It's not like I haven't tried a million different foods and methods of getting her to eat them...or even try them. She's just so stinkin' stubborn. It has to be her idea or there's no hope. We'll see...maybe I'll make an appointment and see what she has to say.


Mandi said...

Oh wow, she is TINY. I thought she looked small, but that really is tiny. Makenna (who just turned one) weighs almost 22 lbs! Ha, I guess we just make chubby kids! Elsie is SO cute.

Anonymous said...

Kim - You, Aaron and Elsie are such a wonderful family to each have each other! Thanks for sharing the story of her birth. Incredible people, all of you!
Love, Janice W.

Ashley said...

I wouldn't worry about it! Denali's pediatrician said the same thing and even had me put him on pediasure. I did it for a couple months, but didn't notice any changes. He wasn't even ON the charts! haha He was like -5% at one check-up! He's just small- it's in his genes! lol Maybe it's in her genes and that's not a bad thing... especially for a GIRL! ;)

Plus, as she gets older she'll learn to like more things. Believe it or not, Denali just asked me for some LETTUCE today! I about died of shock cause he has NEVER eaten it before. But he insisted so I gave him some lettuce and some ranch to dip it in! lol