It was two years ago today that we got a call very early in the morning from Greg that Piper was going into labor. With the way things were progressing it wasn't looking very promising for us to get to UT in time for the birth, but we hustled down there (despite the horrible driving conditions). Right about at Burley, Greg called and we heard Elsie's cry for the first time. What an amazing experience! Not quite how I had it planned out (but, really, what was I'd think I would've learned by then that life usually doesn't work out as planned), but wonderful nonetheless.

The first year with Elsie was great. Quite a learning experience...and very tiring! Just a few days after her first birthday we moved up to WA. I'm not going to deny that this year has been a lot more fun with her. I love looking back and remembering her as a baby, but as she's grown into a toddler I've been amazed every day at the new things she does and at watching her personality really develop.
Here she is on her first birthday. Let's not forget, by the way, that Aaron gave her a totally jacked up bang cut just prior to this...and she looks a bit like a boy. Oh well, I think I have some pictures of myself that are just as bad. Good thing she is so cute anyway!
I haven't taken any pictures of her in the last few days, but I'll get some during our little celebration this evening.
(I will have to continue this post tomorrow...we've got a party to prepare for!)
Cute Elsie!! Quite a wonderful and different experience for us all. It was very surreal for me too. I was thinking, "Dang it, baby! Your parents aren't here yet!"
I tried not to look at her, and I didn't hold her until well after you guys had. I knew when she was in my belly that I was her Aunt, and I didn't want to get that mixed up when she got here. Maybe it's for the best, Aaron probably would have died if he accidentally saw my hoo-hoo!
Maybe someday we can combine our thoughts, and write a book!
Hard to believe she was that tiny! She has changed a bunch in this last year! Love you guys!!!
Happy birthday Elsie! We miss you. We'll give you a call tomorrow.
It's crazy how much they change in just a few years. Happy Birthday Elsie!
Happy Birthday Elsie! She's grown so much in the last year! It seems like no time has passed since she was born.
I love that post! She is sure a special, amazing and loved little girl! I am so glad she is in your life to make it all the sweeter!
Happy Birthday Elsie! We love you!
it's no secret how much i love that little girl. she can attach herself to my hip anytime. I am so grateful that i have been able to to be around her so much this last year, such great memories.
They grow up SO fast! Enjoy every second! =)
About the picture- that is pretty funny! I've been organizing all of our pictures (cause they've all just been stuffed into a big box for years) and there are quite a few of the two of you! haha It's been fun to reminisce =)
Happy Belated Birthday Elsie! Love you all!
OH happy birthday Elsie...she is so sweet. Hey I keep meaning to call you, but we really need to get together and hang out or something. I feel so stupid that we don't see each other more often!
So amazing the journey you all have been on in such a short time. Elsie is SOOO your daughter. Every time I hear your stories, I just think "Little Kimmie." She just brings a smile to my face knowing the joy she has brought to yours! Some day, some day, I'll get to meet her - hopefully before you send her off to college. =)
Happy Birthday, Elsie! I was getting all choked up reading your post. I'm feeling the same way about Abigail right now, time has flown so quickly!
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