I really have gotten to the point that I really like working out. I didn't get to do my normal stuff this week because I had a hurt foot. I missed it!
I had to include these cute pictures of Elsie. She loves to copy everything we do. This time she wanted to stretch out with Daddy after he got back from his run.
she is so stinkin cute!! now if only she would copy your eating.
That is adorable! Nate and I hit the dieting/exercising thing this past week. To my insane frustration Nate lost 3 lbs. and me NOTHING. Seriously sucks. Why not eat what I want if I am going to lose nothing instead of starving? UGH. But great job for you. It is so much harder for girls than boys, for many many reasons!
Nice work Kim! It is definitely easier to work out when you actually like it, so I am glad you are feeling it! And if it makes your resolve and will power feel any better I just ate a quarter of a french silk pie because I am in a grumpy mood.
have you tried Special K bars? Only 1 or 2 points and very yummy. They get you through the "snackies"
Those pics of her stretching out are too cute!
I'm with ya on the feeling hungry thing! I'm trying to get rid of the last of this pregnancy weight and it's not fun! Well- working out is fun... I could do it all day, but I hate watching what I'm eating! lol
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