Friday, January 30, 2009
The many faces of Elsie
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
we remember you
Thursday, January 22, 2009
you can't beat this
just truckin' along
We put hardware on our cabinets in the kitchen. It looks really good and it makes it so much easier to open them. There wasn't much of a ledge to grab onto before, so this has made my life just that much easier!
Elsie has decided that she doesn't want to go to sleep at night. She has been SO good about going down for naps and going to bed, so this really came out of nowhere. She has learned all sorts of stalling techniques, and we were such suckers. The other night it took her 2 hours of crying (and a little bit of us snuggling her) to finally give in and fall asleep. Last night Aaron was able to get her calmed down and talk her into going to bed on time. It was a miracle! It's not so fun watching our shows at night while Elsie is screaming from upstairs.
I went out to lunch with my cousin Myca yesterday. Elsie was obsessed with Boston (her son) and kept saying "Bah Bah" all day. It was fun getting to visit with her, see her BEAUTIFUL new house, and get out of my normal, boring routine. There's nothing like being with family!
I didn't have mutual this week, and I was totally ok with that. This whole Young Women's calling is kind of a lot of work. Really, I've got the time and am capable...I just don't always have the energy to keep up with those girls. We did have our talent show last week and we did our Thriller dance. It went pretty well, and the girls were all surprised that their leaders could dance. It was pretty funny! The Young Men leaders danced to that Soldier Boy song...Crank That. It was hilarious, but slightly awkward at a church activity. I don't think they knew the words to the song. But I'm sure the kids did!
Sorry, no pictures. I'm a slacker. We're off to the library today, and that's always a good time!
Friday, January 16, 2009 I miss thee
I really have gotten to the point that I really like working out. I didn't get to do my normal stuff this week because I had a hurt foot. I missed it!
I had to include these cute pictures of Elsie. She loves to copy everything we do. This time she wanted to stretch out with Daddy after he got back from his run.
Birthday Fun
Monday, January 12, 2009
Elsie is Two!!
It was two years ago today that we got a call very early in the morning from Greg that Piper was going into labor. With the way things were progressing it wasn't looking very promising for us to get to UT in time for the birth, but we hustled down there (despite the horrible driving conditions). Right about at Burley, Greg called and we heard Elsie's cry for the first time. What an amazing experience! Not quite how I had it planned out (but, really, what was I'd think I would've learned by then that life usually doesn't work out as planned), but wonderful nonetheless.

The first year with Elsie was great. Quite a learning experience...and very tiring! Just a few days after her first birthday we moved up to WA. I'm not going to deny that this year has been a lot more fun with her. I love looking back and remembering her as a baby, but as she's grown into a toddler I've been amazed every day at the new things she does and at watching her personality really develop.
Here she is on her first birthday. Let's not forget, by the way, that Aaron gave her a totally jacked up bang cut just prior to this...and she looks a bit like a boy. Oh well, I think I have some pictures of myself that are just as bad. Good thing she is so cute anyway!
I haven't taken any pictures of her in the last few days, but I'll get some during our little celebration this evening.
(I will have to continue this post tomorrow...we've got a party to prepare for!)
Thursday, January 8, 2009
other news
We finally got our ottoman that we bought a couple months ago. It took way longer to arrive than we were originally told, but it was so worth it. It is so wonderful! The top opens up for storage and holds so much more than I was expecting it would. I was getting so frustrated that I had nowhere to put Elsie's toys, but now I'm able to put just about everything in there. Now that we have the toys stored and our Christmas decorations put away, I feel so clean and organized.
I have to laugh about this! As you know, Elsie is not much of an eater. However, she has never wavored in her love for pizza. So, now that she was her new set of play food for her kitchen, what does she pick to carry around with her all day...yes, the pizza!
Let's see...I'm officially dieting and hating it. The finaly motivation I needed was when Aaron and I weighed ourselves the other night, and I now weigh more than him. Only a pound, but still!! Wow, that just about made me want to jump off a cliff. I've got a long way to go, but I know I can do it.
I'm having major January, bad weather blues, but I'm working through it. Aaron and I were going to plan a fun trip next month and go somewhere warm...but that's not going to happen. We decided to be realistic. We've already got a trip to CA planned for September, so we'll just have to look forward to that. At least the snow we got a couple days ago is melting away.
That's it for now. Oh, I have to learn the Thriller dance for a YM/YW talent show next week. It's a lot harder than I was expecting...or maybe I'm just not as coordinated as I used to be. This could end up being very embarrassing!!
In WA for the new year
We went up to ML/Tri-Cities last weekend for Carson's baptism and to see Mitch who was visiting from NY. It was a great time. It went way too fast, but we got to see lots of family and be together...which makes me so happy.
Elsie was not sure what to think of Mitch. She didn't exactly treat him very kindly all the time have I mentioned before that she has major attitude?!) but it could've have been because he would just egg her on and pester her just to see her reaction. Some things never change! I wanted to get a picture of Mitch with Elsie, but she was not willing to cooperate. Angie finally had to step in and hold her for the picture. (Elsie was OBSESSED with Gigi the whole time we were there. She would not leave her side. It was pretty much pointless for Aaron or I to even be around. I know Ang says she didn't mind, but, seriously, she was a leach.)
Yes, Mitch it poking Elsie in the face. Elsie was not giving us super great smiles, so Aaron started doing little dances behind me to get her to smile. It seemed to work better for Mitch and Angie. It's always fun to laugh at Aaron!