Most everyone knows by now that Angie had her baby this week. She was born on September 29th and everything went very well. I know Angie gave a full story on her
blog, so I'll spare any more details. Except, I will say how awesome it was to be there for everything. When I had Paxton, I had a c-section so I didn't really get to experience the, it was the most stressful moment of my life. Then, when Elsie was born (3 weeks early), Aaron and I weren't able to get to Utah in time for her birth. We missed out completely! Well, Greg did have his phone on while we were on the line so we could hear her first cry. That was cool. Anyway, I got to "coach" Angie while she delivered her baby. I got to see everything right as it happened, and I thought it was so amazing. I even got to cut the cord! I am so glad that I was here to be able to be with her and experience it all for myself as well.

Angie has been here at our house since she came home from the hospital, so we can try to help out as much as possible and still keep Elsie happy. She has struggled a little bit with not getting GiGi's full attention. It's been kind of interesting. But she loves to watch Qiana and touch her. Every time Qiana makes a noise, Elsie is very aware of it and goes to check on what she's doing. She'll be a good cousin.

Ang and I took Elsie to the pet store last week and Elsie thought it was the neatest thing ever. She loved the fish, the mice, the birds, the wallaby (that's right...the pet store has a wallaby), and, most of all, the kittens. She could reach in the cage just enough that I didn't freak out but she was still satisfied. She really loves animals. Aaron takes her out everyday to say hi to the horses and feed them. She's going to miss that.

I'm struggling with how to get my family, yes I mean Elsie and Aaron, to eat at the table. I'm all for a quick snack or even breakfast at the couch while you watch the morning news or something, but it has gotten a bit out of control. Aaron and I got in the bad habit of eating in front of the tv since we didn't have kids for so long. Well, now it's rubbing off on Elsie and I'm the only one who wants to put a stop to it. Elsie hates sitting in her booster chair now, and Aaron is happy to let her eat right next to him on the couch. I finally got Aaron to commit to at least dinner at the table, but Elsie is ruined already. I guess I have my work cut out for me.

elsie: tv + food = awesome
keep it up.
Those eyes looking at you while eating those cheetos. She knows her couch days are numbered and she's going to enjoy it while she can.
Love that you were able to be with Angie. She is darling. Elsie checking on her is adorable.
I agree with you about the table thing. We do eat breakfast, lunch and dinner at the table b/c I was so sick and tired of having gross floors.
That is really great you were in there with Angie. I would be useless to a sister who needed me in the birthing room, I can't even watch a Baby Story.
How funny! It's probably step one of Aaron's plan. Step 2 is getting Elsie to trade in the Wiggles for Sportscenter.
We went through this with Jack. We always ate in front of the TV, then one day we were apparently not paying close attention and he shoved corn up his nose so far that we had to take him to Instacare to remove it. That was all it took, we are table eaters now. He was about 19 months old at the time. Good luck getting them all there-it is worth it.
We solved that problem! The tv is in the same room! So we sit at the table with the tv on!
I am so glad you were able to be there for Angie and to see little Qiana enter the world. She is a lovely little baby!
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