I am not a major animal lover, but Aaron and Elsie both are. We got Wrigley a couple of years ago because Aaron wanted a dog so badly. I was very nervous about getting a dog, especially a big one. But Wrigley has been such a great dog. He is so sweet and gentle and loving. Elsie, of course, absolutely adores him. She is not afraid of him at all. He loves to play with her and lick her like crazy. She will sit and pat him and love him in return.

She'll even lean in to kiss him and let him lick her face. Way too gross for me, but whatever!

Angie has been hanging out with us a whole bunch while she's waiting for baby to come. We took Elsie to the park again, and all she wanted to do was chase the birds. She was not understanding why they wouldn't come to her.

Just a cute picture of one of Elsie's many silly faces. She has a million of them.

GiGi was filling up the lid to her water bottle with water and letting Elsie take little sips. She could've done it for hours. She also loves the little sacrament cups at church...but doesn't every little kid?! I know I did.

There was a little girl at the park that Elsie was fascinated with. She was laughing so hard at everything she did. Of course, it was one of her silly laughs (unfortunately, I caught the tail end of it...she was going pretty hard).
It was fun to watch Elsie chase the birds. This particular time a bird came flying right down next to her and it scared her. I wish I had been recording just a couple seconds sooner because Elsie's face was priceless. She was freaked out. But she recovered quickly and got to chasing again.
Love the pics and the videos. Elsie makes me smile.
Elsie is such a cutie!! I think kids need dogs, even though they can be gross sometimes...the dogs I mean :)
way cute!! I have a video just like that of me chasing seagulls at a park! Glad she and Wrigley are pals too!
that is so funny she just goes in circles for those birds! Elsie is so cute!-n
thanks for letting me hang out with you guys so much. i love the time i've been able to spend with elsie...she just makes me smile.
She is so adorable! That is totally gross that she likes the doggy kisses. I think she looks so much like you. I wish we could get Jayci and Elsie together, I think they would love it!
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