Thursday morning Aaron went to go play some football with his friends. Jeff and Brayden met him there. Around noon everyone got to the house. We had barely started a game of mission Risk when Greg, Piper, and Cannon got there. I had just bought the game that morning thinking it was going to be the Mission Risk where everyone just has one mission and the game takes about an hour. No! It is different now. Everyone has 4 missions and it ends up taking might as well play the good ol' fashioned way. Anyway, we snacked and visited while we played and then had a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner. Elsie was a grumpety grump all afternoon (don't know why!) so most of my time at the table was trying to keep her happy. Thank goodness for leftovers! We hung out the rest of the day, played another game, and just enjoyed the company. It has been a while since we've all been together for a holiday, so I really enjoyed it. I think Elsie was having a hard time with all the people and noise or something because she struggled all afternoon and evening. We tried putting her to bed at her usual time but she wasn't having it. So after everyone left, we got her back up and played with her. She was so happy and giggly...I think she enjoyed the calm. 

Friday was a very relaxed day. Aaron and I went to the mall for a little bit to try to do some Christmas shopping, but they didn't have what we were looking for. Then we hung out while Elsie napped and went out to eat with Aaron's parents. That evening we played some games and went to bed early. Elsie's sleeping was not great on this trip and we were in the same room as wore us out! (Not the best picture...but isn't her outfit too cute?! You've got to look good when you go to the mall. My daughter has better style than I do!)

Saturday we got to go to the BYU game with my dad. It was a great game that I even enjoyed watching. (Please ignore the double was a bad angle, I hope!)
Before we knew it the trip was over and we were back to Idaho. I wish we could've had at least a few more days to be there with everyone. We always have such a good time!!!

Here's a couple cute pictures of Elsie:
Whenever we are playing games or doing anything she wants to be a part of the group. She was sitting in her Bumbo seat in the chair and trying to pull herself up on the table.