We've had our house on the market now for a couple of months and nothing was happening. We've had one person come look at it and that's it. We were attempting to do for sale by owner, but we're running out of time. There was a house across the street from us that has been on the market longer than ours and had just recently switched realtors. Within one week of having the new realtor, it sold. So we decided to call that realtor and see if she can help us sell our house. She's very enthusiastic and had some good ideas to get our house fixed up. She told us to paint our red wall back to neutral. She said it was a great color, but that for some potential buyers it might be a major turnoff. So we did...Aaron and I were actually kind of getting sick of it. We also rearranged the furniture. Anyway, she helped us dress up our home a little bit (since it's been pretty bare) to take some pictures. We'll see how it goes. Keep your fingers crossed!
The big couch used to be on this wall. We thought this would open up the room a bit more. It really worked!
We also took down most of the desk in the office and put away all my craft stuff, took out one of the bookshelfs, and brought up a chair. It feels so nice to have it all cleaned up. It's amazing how used to clutter you can get without realizing that it is stressing you out. I love decluttering!

That's what we've been doing this week, and it has been busy. I've enjoyed it, but Aaron would not agree. At least he helps!
Oh I LOVE to declutter. Good luck!
the house looks totally different. how crazy. i hope this works. it has got to be stressful trying to sell a house, one main reason i have yet to buy one. good luck.
Where are you guys moving?! I didn't even know that! Good luck, selling now is not fun!
Do you guys know when you are moving yet? The house looks great, send her here to declutter mine please-though we aren't moving any time soon. I have just been in the mood to get rid of tons of stuff.
The house really does look great! I need you to come work on my house next! We have been there a year and a half and still haven't unpacked some things (or organized that which we did unpack!) which is good! Good luck to you guys. We know all about your house sitting on the market too long!
Love you and can't wait to see you guys!
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