Last Saturday Elsie and I went to watch Aaron play in his city league flag football game. It was the last regular game of the season and it was a gorgeous day. Unfortunately they lost, which means they didn't make it to the tournament. He had fun playing, but got pretty frustrated with his team. If it were up to him, he'd play every position. That's what I love about Aaron...he's got all the confidence in the world. :)
I love Elsie's cute cheeks in the picture. I kiss them all the time. How can you resist?!

This week we tried some new foods and Elsie has loved it. She's starting to get a little pickier about what she'll eat. I think it really is that she wants more flavor...not just boring squash. Oh, and I love how she must grab for the camera while I'm trying to take a picture. Too funny.

Aaron always hangs his "Y" flag on BYU game days. It is so hard for him not to be able to watch all the games. It drives him crazy. Elsie supported him, though, by wearing her BYU gear. That made Daddy happy. (Elsie wouldn't look at the camera because she was obsessed with trying to grab the flag. This was the best I could get.)

I love your pumpkin, and Elsie too! Baby cheeks are the best.
Elsie and her cheeks are soooooo CUTE!
Love your flag. That pumkin is awesome :)
I love kissing elsie's cheeks as well. and i agree with aaron, i think he could play every position better than anyone else. he's that awesome!
We get bummed we can't watch all the games as well! Elsie looks adorable, I love the butterfly costume she has in your last post-adorable! The pumpkin is very cool.
I love Elsie in her BYU gear, so cute! There is no way I could resist her cheeks, so kissable!
did aaron give the wise guarantee on the game? shame shame.
Seriously something I love so much is when people hang BYU flags on game day. I wish I had one. sigh. On the way to the BYU game I told Cortney I wished I had the flags that people put on their cars. I just get so happy when I see either. Weird. I know.
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