We have spent a lot, and I mean A LOT, of time at the pool this summer. It is so cheap and so fun, and Elsie just can't get enough of it. Her poor feet at the beginning of the summer were so sore and torn up from playing so much. It was quite the challenge to get her to put her face under the water. Aaron even bought her some goggles, but it still didn't really seem to help. But after spending some time with older friends, Elsie has become quite the swimmer. She loves to go underwater and swim around. She loves to jump off the side of the pool and will do it over and over and over again.
There's the tongue! It's always hanging out.
We spend a day at the zoo with Pam, Ellie, Hailey, and Sam. It's always a good time at the zoo, but this day was especially nice weather and the kids were great.
The penguins were super active that day. We sat there for a quite a while watching them.
Elsie has made such great friends here in Nampa. We love spending time with them and doing fun things. I'm glad she's got kids to hang out with and have a good time.
Sam and Elsie's pre-engagement picture.
We spent an afternoon playing with playdoh and had such a great time. Elsie is always so fun to play with and always lets me know how much she loves me and how much fun she is having.
Anyway, a couple other side notes. We bought tickets to see Mary Poppins in Salt Lake in September, so we checked out the movie for Elsie to become more familiar with it. Oh my gosh! She loves it! We've been a little obsessed with the songs lately. Our ipod now rotates heavily between Mary Poppins, Alvin and the Chipmunks, and Lady Gaga.
I was asked to speak at Girl's Camp this year. I was assigned the topic of enduring all things and was asked to talk about some of the trials our family has endured. I was dreading it...I'm not gonna lie. I was nervous, anxious, felt unqualified, you name it. But I put a lot of time and thought into it, and realized I needed to do it. It was an amazing experience. I had to present it to five different groups and each time I spoke I felt so much better. I'm really not one to get spiritual, especially on the blog, but I did want to make a note about that day and remember how I felt. I think it's Cali that I first heard say, "I can do hard things." That was my motto and still is my motto. It's all worth it, and we can make it through whatever we are given.
awww Elsie does have a cute group of friends up there.
Looks like you guys have been having our kind of summer....you guys are all adorable.
July looks fantastic! I love that pool. Luke has become a little water bug too. It looks like there are a lot of great friends there, I bet it will be missed! And congratulations on you talks. I love the motto "I can do hard things." I use it for me, for the kids, for all situations! You are amazing! Those girls were blessed to have you teach them!
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