We drove up to WA on Tuesday after lunch. (Side story: While Ang and I were making lunch, the girls were having a good time playing. We called for them to come eat, and no response. I finally went upstairs to look for them. No response. I look in closets, we keep calling out for them, but nothing. So we are both getting concerned. We go outside and look for them and still no luck. By this time, we are both in a panic. I'm thinking "Oh my gosh, Elsie opened the door to go play outside. They went out and someone took them." It was so crazy because my house is not large and the kitchen is right there. Where could they have gone?! Finally, I realize I never checked the garage, so I open it from outside. I don't see them when the door comes up, but suddenly I hear talking coming from the car. I open the car door, and they were both sitting in there with their travel backpacks because they were so excited to go. I was so relieved!! And then I was mad!! And then I realized how funny it was!)
We had a great time up in Pasco. We got to hang out with everyone, let the kids play, watch some TV, listen to Jared's mellow music while we played games, ate great food (most of which was prepared by Lindsay), went out to eat minus children, went to a yummy bakery and got humungous doughnuts, went to see Cars 2, went to the park and the kids got to swim, played in the backyard, visited Jared at work, and got to see Mitch while he was in town for a wedding. (I know there's even more, but that's a pretty good summary.)
Love this picture of the three little girls after they finished swimming.

such a fun trip!! glad I came. I would have been seriously bummed if I had missed out.
good times, and that picture of us is one of the best in recent memory.
uh yeah and that mellow music is called Yacht Rock and it's taking the nation by storm.
Seriously one awesome family here! I love seeing you all together - and separately - however we can get you!
I always get so jealous of your fun cousin pack! I wish my kiddos cousins were closer to their ages. What a great trip!
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