We were not planning any trips down to Utah for the summer since our big plan was to move down by the end of August. (It is still the plan!)
Aaron's parents planned a trip up to visit us. It was really nice to see them, and we are so grateful that they like to be with us, especially Elsie!
We were able to do all sorts of fun things. Gary and Aaron went golfing, we played outside, watched the Caldwell Air Show from our driveway, ate lots of yummy food (like Chung Hing...we definitely had to go there one more time!), played games, and went to the Farmer's Market.
While we were at the market, we let Elsie get her face painted. She chose to do a little butterfly, and she thought it was pretty cool.

Then we had the idea to do more at home with my paint. Grandma really went with it and did an awesome job. Elsie was in heaven!! I think we need to send Sylvia down to the farmer's market to earn some money.

Elsie also painted Grandma's hand. I see potential!

They also brought up these cool water squirters for Elsie, and we had some water fight fun with those.

It kind of started between Elsie, Grandpa, and I. Then Aaron was spraying some stuff on our tree, so we all decided to attack him while he was occupied. He was loving that...not really! It was great. Well, he went inside, but we were all a little nervous about what he would do to get us back. I finally went inside and ended up teaming up with him. Our plan was for him to come around the side of the house while I went back and "casually" turned the hose on. When it was ready, I was supposed to yell "Ca-caw, Ca-caw" and Aaron would grab it and spray. The plan worked beautifully, except he knew the whole time he was going to spray me first. I didn't even have enough time to run anywhere. I looked ridiculous! Then he moved on to spraying everyone else. Oh, good times!!

Sylvia is not going to love this picture, but it's the only one I have with Gary in it. Thanks for coming to visit!

hahaha you totally were an accomplice in your own attack. love it.
Hey - we're excited you're joining us in the SLC area! Maybe some future Bates / Woodruff times! Love you!
Such pretty painting! And I love that last picture. FUN!
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