A present from Grandma and Grandpa came in the mail a couple days before Elsie's birthday. She couldn't resist opening it, and I didn't have the heart to stop her. She was so excited that it was finally her birthday.
They sent her a jewelry box/purse, and it was the perfect present for Elsie!

She loves to have places to put little things. Plus, it has a lock and a key that she thinks it pretty cool!

There were also some gold dollars in the box. I asked Elsie what she wanted to get with her money. She said she wanted to put them in her piggy bank and save them for Disneyland. I guess I need to put her in charge of our finances!

There was also a cute "E" necklace in the box. Elsie loves to wear it.

She also got some Princess Shrinky Dinks from Ang. I totally forgot to take pictures while we were doing them. We had so much fun!!! I was seriously just as excited, in fact probably more, than Elsie! Great-Grandma Wise and Greg/Piper sent her a little money as well. In the piggy bank it went! My neighbor brought her a Cinderella playset, which she also loves.
1 comment:
What a big girl! What a wonderful 4 year old girl!
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