Saturday, January 29, 2011
W squared update
I'm down 5 lbs for the month of January! Not too shabby considering Aaron and I went to Coldstone last weekend, I went to Cheesecake Factory with some girlfriends, and...oh, who am I trying to kid??...we've still eaten out every weekend. I've just been trying to be extra good during the week and keep my workouts up. I still have some pretty grumpy moments, but things are better overall. Although, maybe you should ask Aaron about that???
Friday, January 28, 2011
Five years ago today our boy, Paxton, was born. We love him so much and wish he could be a part of family now!
Elsie was asking about him the other day. We had been talking about how little boys like to wrestle and climb on things. She asked about our little friend, Sam, and why he like to climb on things. Then she asked, "Does my brother like to climb on things?" I kind of chuckled and said, "I bet he does." Then she asked about several things that he might climb on, including, "Does he climb on Jesus?" How do you answer that one?! I said, "Sure, why not?"
It always helps to talk about Paxton, and I love that Elsie knows about him.
Elsie was asking about him the other day. We had been talking about how little boys like to wrestle and climb on things. She asked about our little friend, Sam, and why he like to climb on things. Then she asked, "Does my brother like to climb on things?" I kind of chuckled and said, "I bet he does." Then she asked about several things that he might climb on, including, "Does he climb on Jesus?" How do you answer that one?! I said, "Sure, why not?"
It always helps to talk about Paxton, and I love that Elsie knows about him.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Princess Party
Elsie wanted to have a friend birthday party this year, and has been looking forward to it since this past summer. We debated over the theme and if it would be boys/girls or girls only. We finally settled on a Princess theme, and, of course, no boys allowed...except Daddy.
Elsie and I passed out invitations to some of her friends inviting them to the royal celebration. Everyone was also encouraged to dress up for the event. All the girls were pretty excited! I spent way more time worrying and preparing than I probably needed to for a 4-year-old's birthday party,but I can't help myself.
We decorated the house with lots balloons, streamers, and a princess banner.
I was going to make a cool Princess cake, but Elsie said she only wanted to cupcakes. I kept it pretty simple, not that I have much skill anyway. We had funfetti and chocolate cupakes with pink frosting and purple sprinkles. I put confetti all over the table, and decorated with princess figurines, princess plates, and fancy (but plastic) glasses. The girls loved them!
One of the games we played was "Pin the Kiss on the Frog" and I had planned on drawing a cute, little frog for it. The night before the party came, and it finally dawned on me that I can't draw. I thought of calling one of the young women in our ward who is super talented to ask her to draw Naveen for me. Look at what an awesome job she did! She even hung around the party for a while to help out and play games.
Most of the party guests. Brooklyn, Elsie, Kadence, Kylee, Ellie, and Hailey. (Lauren and Madison hadn't arrived yet.)
Getting ready to play "Poisoned Apple" (like Hot Potato). If they were holding the apple when the music stopped, they had to "fall asleep" and wait to woken by a "(hershey's) kiss". They laughed and laughed so hard during this game. It was cute!

Lining up to kiss the frog!

We also played Jasmine's Magical Carpets (like musical chairs) and Princess Bingo.

My friend, Shelly, helped me turn a big box into a castle with cut-out windows for a beanbag toss. I was surprised at how much the girls like this game.
Things got a little crazy when it came time to open presents. Elsie was so excited, but the other girls were SUPER excited for her to open their gifts. They could hardly contain themselves. There was a lot of screeching, yelling, oohing and aahing, giggling, and hugging. I was so happy that Elsie was so grateful for everything she got.
Elsie and I passed out invitations to some of her friends inviting them to the royal celebration. Everyone was also encouraged to dress up for the event. All the girls were pretty excited! I spent way more time worrying and preparing than I probably needed to for a 4-year-old's birthday party,but I can't help myself.
We decorated the house with lots balloons, streamers, and a princess banner.
My friend, Shelly, helped me turn a big box into a castle with cut-out windows for a beanbag toss. I was surprised at how much the girls like this game.
She's 4!!!
I know people say it all the time, but I can't believe my baby girl is FOUR years old!! It's crazy. Time has flown. She's such a big girl who loves to talk!!!, to learn, to dance, to pretend, to play, to snuggle, and to be cute! She's so funny...she really loves to make jokes and get a good laugh.
The day started off with a little breakfast in bed.
As soon as Aaron woke up, we let Elsie come out to the family room to see her present.
It was a Barbie Jeep. (I really wanted to give her this for Christmas, but we didn't have room in our little car to take it to UT. Aaron and I are really hoping she doesn't expect this kind of thing for every birthday!)
She was excited. But not as excited as I was expecting. She showed more enthusiasm for the Barbie that came with the Jeep. Ha ha!
She did spend the rest of the day setting up camp in the Jeep. We hadn't put the battery in yet, so it was just sitting in the family room. It was like her little playhouse for the day.
We ended the night with a Papa John's pizza and, Elsie's favorite, Garlic Butter dipping sauce. Yeah, she pretty much drenches every bite with it. So gross!
After dinner, we put the battery in the car and took it outside for a drive. She wasn't so sure about it and was kind of throwing a fit because she thought it was hard. (It's not hard, but she thinks anything that requires a little physical effort is too much!) Needless to say, Aaron and I were both a little frustrated...not a cheap little toy! We chalked it up to bad timing (it was late and dark) and her being tired. We tried it again yesterday and she had much more fun!
The day started off with a little breakfast in bed.
Elsie's Birthday Week Begins
A present from Grandma and Grandpa came in the mail a couple days before Elsie's birthday. She couldn't resist opening it, and I didn't have the heart to stop her. She was so excited that it was finally her birthday.
They sent her a jewelry box/purse, and it was the perfect present for Elsie!
She loves to have places to put little things. Plus, it has a lock and a key that she thinks it pretty cool!

There were also some gold dollars in the box. I asked Elsie what she wanted to get with her money. She said she wanted to put them in her piggy bank and save them for Disneyland. I guess I need to put her in charge of our finances!
There was also a cute "E" necklace in the box. Elsie loves to wear it.
She also got some Princess Shrinky Dinks from Ang. I totally forgot to take pictures while we were doing them. We had so much fun!!! I was seriously just as excited, in fact probably more, than Elsie! Great-Grandma Wise and Greg/Piper sent her a little money as well. In the piggy bank it went! My neighbor brought her a Cinderella playset, which she also loves.
They sent her a jewelry box/purse, and it was the perfect present for Elsie!
There were also some gold dollars in the box. I asked Elsie what she wanted to get with her money. She said she wanted to put them in her piggy bank and save them for Disneyland. I guess I need to put her in charge of our finances!
Monday, January 17, 2011
This message is for Angie (and probably Grandma and Grandpa Wise, too). I am reserving this space for a BIG birthday post. I really have been busy. I had the party Saturday, I had to teach yesterday, and I'm in charge of two days of preschool this week. Plus, on a more positive note, Aaron didn't have to work today, so we've been getting all sorts of stuff done. I promise to work on it soon!
Saturday, January 15, 2011
We have officially survived Elsie's birthday week! We ended it with an awesome princess party today. I've got lots of pictures and video to share, but it's going to have to wait...I'M TIRED!!
Friday, January 7, 2011
A little pick-me-up
Sorry...enough with the downer post.
If you need something to make you smile, check out Elsie's videos on my facebook. I LOVE THIS GIRL!!
(If you aren't friends with me on facebook, let's be friends!)
If you need something to make you smile, check out Elsie's videos on my facebook. I LOVE THIS GIRL!!
(If you aren't friends with me on facebook, let's be friends!)
The one and only reason I have bad feelings toward Disney... the movie "UP"
I remember the first time I watched that movie, I was so not prepared for the whole first part where it shows Carl and Ellie's life together. I cried, just like many of you, I'm sure. It hit a little too close to home. We recorded it for Elsie and started watching it with her again last night. I remembered the part that made me a little emotional, but was not prepared for my reaction. I sunk a little lower in the couch because I could feel my throat start to tighten and could feel the tears coming. Then Elsie says something like, "She couldn't have her baby. Some girls can have babies and some girls can't have babies." And before I knew it, the tears started flowin'! I tried to keep it under control, so she wouldn't see me. I hid behind the blanket I was snuggling under, and I just wanted to cry so hard. Aaron gave me a little squeeze on the leg (he knows if he puts too much attention on me, I'll get to the out-of-control crying stage!) I feel like I have come to terms with the journey Aaron and I have had over the last nine years of trying to have kids, having and losing Paxton, the miracle of Elsie, the many disappoints and failed attempts, and finality of it as we have made our last attempts without the outcome we wanted. For some reason, though, it hits me at certain times, and I just cry. Elsie asked me as we watched the movie again today (seriously, child, why do you insist on this movie???), "Why can't some girls have babies?" All I could say was, "I don't know, Els." I don't know why things worked out the way they did. I know there is nothing wrong or weird about getting emotional about it, but I wish I could just not think about it. But, don't worry, I still love you, Disney!
I remember the first time I watched that movie, I was so not prepared for the whole first part where it shows Carl and Ellie's life together. I cried, just like many of you, I'm sure. It hit a little too close to home. We recorded it for Elsie and started watching it with her again last night. I remembered the part that made me a little emotional, but was not prepared for my reaction. I sunk a little lower in the couch because I could feel my throat start to tighten and could feel the tears coming. Then Elsie says something like, "She couldn't have her baby. Some girls can have babies and some girls can't have babies." And before I knew it, the tears started flowin'! I tried to keep it under control, so she wouldn't see me. I hid behind the blanket I was snuggling under, and I just wanted to cry so hard. Aaron gave me a little squeeze on the leg (he knows if he puts too much attention on me, I'll get to the out-of-control crying stage!) I feel like I have come to terms with the journey Aaron and I have had over the last nine years of trying to have kids, having and losing Paxton, the miracle of Elsie, the many disappoints and failed attempts, and finality of it as we have made our last attempts without the outcome we wanted. For some reason, though, it hits me at certain times, and I just cry. Elsie asked me as we watched the movie again today (seriously, child, why do you insist on this movie???), "Why can't some girls have babies?" All I could say was, "I don't know, Els." I don't know why things worked out the way they did. I know there is nothing wrong or weird about getting emotional about it, but I wish I could just not think about it. But, don't worry, I still love you, Disney!
Thursday, January 6, 2011
W squared
That's right, it's Weight Watchers time again!! This time, I'm being really good and actually doing it. I started the day after we returned from Utah after Christmas. I couldn't even wait for the new year...I was so disgusted with myself! Good news, though, I was down 2 pounds at my second weigh-in today. Encouraging. I'm still waiting for this to get easier. I've been a beast and have zero patience. I've cried several times. But standing on that scale did bring a little smile to my face.
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