Saturday, May 1, 2010

Meet Charlie!

We got another dog!

Aaron has gone back and forth since last summer about getting another dog. He was always looking on the internet and then would talk himself out of it because of money, the responsibility, etc. But this time he just couldn't resist. He found a litter that had a chocolate lab (just what we wanted) that didn't cost very much because the dogs aren't papered.

He went to pick it up this afternoon. Elsie didn't really know we were getting him, so we surprised her and she LOVES him. She did tell us that she wanted an orange dog and a yellow dog. I told her that we got a brown one instead, and she seemed to be okay with that. But now she wants a girl dog to go with our boy dog. When I told her his name is Charlie, she thought I meant Charlotte (like the girl in "Princess and the Frog"). She can't quite say's more like Shawie. It's cute

He took a little dip in the pool.

He really likes to be right next to us. While Aaron and I were putting the kennel together this afternoon he had to be right in between our legs. If one of us moved, he would just move to the other one. It melts my heart. :)

Christian, Olivia, and Diana came over with us to see the surprise (Elsie and I were at their house making hair clips). They were all pretty excited. Everyone's pretty excited that we have a dog that their kids can play with and they don't have to take care of it. Ha ha!

I'm sure there will be lots more pictures and updates to follow. The good news is this should solve our cat problem. :)


Colleen said...

Oh Charlie! You are ADORABLE!!!!!!!

Angie said...

You guys got a dog!!!! oh aaron is so funny.

But he looks adorable, and Elsie looks so happy...

can't wait to meet charlie

Kacey Nielsen said...

I don't even like dogs and I just want to kiss that little guy! What a cutie! I wish someone in my neighborhood would get a dog my kids could love from a distance... and stop drinking beer and blasting hispanic music from their front porch. Maybe i'm asking too much...

Alissa Maxwell said...

Cutest thing I have seen today... by far!

Anonymous said...

Perfect cute dog for such a cute family, Kim! I think about you guys lots - you all look terrific! - Janice

dirty>south said...

I'll have to tell the kids they'll be so pumped. Elsie looks all giddy too.

Unknown said...

He is AWESOME, what a cute dog !! Did you name him Charlie, as in "Charlie Brown"? I told your Mom I probably would have named him, Choco, Cocoa, or Brown Boy since I have no imagination when it comes to naming pets, as shown in the past. Elsie will really love having a beautiful pup like him. We will call later today.

::lindsay said...

So cool you got a new dog! He's so cute! And Elsie is getting so big! Can't wait to see her!

Annie said...

He is so cute. It almost makes me want one.