Sunday, February 28, 2010

Why do I let myself get so behind?!

I have been so behind on blogging and commenting on blogs, but I finally got some updates done. I usually look at blogs while I'm eating breakfast in the morning or randomly throughout the day when Elsie wants me to snuggle her while she watches a show. So, most of the time, my hands aren't free to type. I love reading everyone's blogs!! I will try to comment more...starting now. :)

Aaron's been sick this past week. Enough said. Elsie had pink eye and an ear infection last week. I'm sick of everyone being sick!

I officially start my training this week for a half marathon in May. I'm excited to get going and get into better shape!

My friend, Diana, had never seen "Strictly Ballroom" but loves Baz Luhrmann. While Ang was here, we all watched the movie together and she fell in love with it just like his other movies. So, Friday night Diana and I watched "Moulin Rouge". I had forgotten how much I like that movie. We just need to watch "Romeo and Juliet" to complete the trilogy. We're excited. :)


Aly said...

Strictly Ballroom is one of my all time favorites. You have great movie taste! And good luck with the half marathon. I am impressed.

lysh said...

I know exactly what you mean about getting behind on blogging and then getting behind on reading or commenting on other people's blogs. I don't even know how it happens to me. I can't even count in my mind how many times I've seen Strickly Ballroom. Didn't Angie see it like 13 times in the theatre?

Colleen said...

I'm sick of the sick too! Let's ban sickness! Good luck on your training! That is awesome!!! I recently rewatched Strictly Ballroom too, definitely a goodie!

Angie said...

ummm...more like 16 times in the theater! yeah..maybe a little obsessed.