I signed Elsie up for a little horse riding class given by some young women who used to be in our ward. This family has some acreage and raises miniature horses. It was a two-day class, and she was going to take it with a couple of her friends. I knew she was a bit young, but she was going to love it. She was beyond thrilled the first day we were there. She couldn't help but smile and dance around.
Olivia, Elsie, and Ellie
They taught her how to brush the horse.
She got to walk out into the pasture and pet the horses. There was also a little pony that she loved. Sam (the girl doing the class) said that Elsie kissed the pony when they went out to say hi.
They got to ride the horse around the property a few times.
And take a ride on the cart.
Leaning forward as she rode uphill. Good girl, following the directions. :)
Elsie and Olivia riding on the cart.
They got to feed the horse a treat at the end of the lesson.

So, Angie and Qiana were set the arrive that night. I let Elsie stay up to see them before she went to bed. It ended up being quite the late night, which set us up for a disastrous day two! At least Gigi smiled for the picture.
She insisted on Gigi holding her hand the whole time she was riding. Spoiled!!
It's like we're torturing her or something.
Finally Gigi bribed her with a treat and play time if she would just smile for one picture. What a stinker!
I'm glad she enjoyed the first day and only wish Angie could've seen her when she was all excited about everything. Maybe next year?!
A little video from day one. :)
Oh my goodness. HOW FUN. I wonder how my kids would react to that. I loved this post.
How fun for her! Lexi loved her horse lessons and still loves to ride the horses!
She looks so cute on a horse. I wonder if Abigail would like riding lessons.
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