I got so excited last week when we had a few days of nice weather. We were out and about enjoying the sun. But this week, we've just been cooped up again, Elsie had a bit of a cold, and there hasn't been a whole lot going on.
Aaron has had a very light work schedule lately because he decided to take a job back at the PD's office in Boise (it's the same place he worked before we left for WA). A couple months again he talked to the head guy there and asked him to let Aaron know if there was ever an opening. Aaron was trying things out on his own, but it had been a slow couple of months. We both felt the security of a government job would be great right now. Well, things started picking up for him in late February/early March so he was feeling a lot better about things. Then he gets a call from the head PD guy and he said he had an opening for Aaron to come back. A month before, there would have been no question about what to do, but now we were torn. When all was said and done, though, Aaron found out he could still keep all the cases he had and finish them up and start working there April 13th. He decided to take the job. It means less flexibility of his schedule and a very set income, but it means a guaranteed income and great benefits. Plus, Aaron was always a stress case. He was always thinking about work, needing new clients, collecting money, sending out mailers. It was a CONSTANT worry. He was been so different now that he's decided to go back. So, in the mean time he has had random court dates, but hasn't been able to take any new clients. He's had a light schedule and has been able to hang out a lot. We always love that!!
I'm still attempting to lose weight, but taking it a lot easier. I'm not being so anal about points and letting myself have a snack if I feel like I need it. I was surprised when I weighed myself the other day and had still lost 1.5 pounds. Working out is not a problem for me. I really enjoy it now. I've started going to a spinning class one day a week, and I'm running a couple days a week as well. Well, it's more of a run for a bit and then walk for a little rest. I'm working up to a real run. I'm hoping this way of doing things will still work week after week because it's been a lot easier to handle.
Elsie is just as cute as can be. Aaron and I find ourselves constantly watching her and admiring her. She makes us laugh so hard sometimes. She's getting to be so smart. I'm amazed at some of the connections her little brain is starting to make. She's talking a lot more and has funny little phrases she always says. We love her so much!
The other day at the gym daycare, they made bunny masks. She was so excited to put it on! I taught her how to hop like a bunny and she was putting on quite the show at the gym. .JPG)
We bought this puzzle a few weeks ago and finally got it put together. I've never really been a puzzle person, but we thought it would be fun to work on at night after we put Elsie to bed. It quickly became our obsession. There were a couple nights when we had to tell ourselves to stop because it was 1:00 in the morning. Way too late to be awake! I would look up from the puzzle and try to read the clock and wouldn't be able to even focus on it. Kind of funny.
Elsie is so funny. that bunny mask rules. the teeth on it remind me of Chloe's
So cute! And I love that you are comfortable enough with yourself to admit you stay up late to work on puzzles. hahaha, just kidding!
That puzzle actually looks really hard.
Love Elsie. How cute is she!
Oh please let me do that puzzle. I love puzzles and will stay up late doing them once I start. haha. I'm glad Aaron is going to have a stress-freer job situation.
can't wait to see elsie's bunny impersonation! nice job on the puzzle!
Love the bunny mask - too cute! That puzzle looks pretty cool. Did you have it framed? I wish I had the patience to do puzzles!
I am so impressed by that puzzle.
I am glad Aaron is feeling better about work. I am sure it was a hard choice, but there's nothing like security! And that mask is great. I would love to meet that sweet, funny little girl sometime! I am thinking of trying spinning sometime in the future, do you like it? The puzzle is rad.
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