Tuesday, October 21, 2008

weekend with family

Jared and Lindsay came up to ML for one last hoorah before we moved. We lounged around, ate good food, and enjoyed each other's company. Elsie loved having her cousins around to play with. Seriously, it kind of felt like a vacation weekend for Aaron and I because Carson and Kaiya kept her so happy and entertained the whole time. I almost didn't know what to do with myself. So I just sat around. How lovely!

I took some fun pictures of Kaiya and Elsie while they were goofing around and jumping on the bed. Kaiya, who used to not cooperate when taking pictures, was totally into it. She was posing and smiling so big. She kept tilting her head to the side for every picture. It was making me laugh.

Elsie loving her daddy! And doing her cheesy smile.
Jared and Kaiya hanging out. There's another daddy's girl!Chloe was crawling all over the place. Elsie was very fascinated with her as well. Carson doing a half-way decent smile...nice!
We are going to miss being so close to these guys and Angie and Qiana. I really love hanging out and just being with my family. I feel so blessed that we all like each other and enjoy being together. I know it always made my mom happy. She loved when we were all at her house. She loved to see us getting along and having fun. We missed her!


dirty>south said...

what's up with Kaiya tilting her head all the time like she's a celebrity? Is she Paris Hilton or something?

dirty>south said...

almost forgot. Aaron lost to me at fantasy football.


Angie said...

i like how elsie is staring at kaiya like "what;s with the head tilt?"

::lindsay said...

What is up with Kaiya modeling!