Thursday, October 30, 2008
1: I am clumsy and run into doors, walls, corners...whatever it may be. In fact, I often times have bruises and don't know where I got them. Just a couple days ago I noticed a nasty bruise right on the bottom of my shin and couldn't remember where it came from. Well, last night as I was getting in the backseat of the car to sit next to Elsie, I rammed my leg right into this box that was sitting on the floor of the car. Yes, right into that bruise. Then I remembered how I got it in the first place! Have I moved the box...nope! I fear Elsie has inherited this same problem. However she does have an excuse, she's a toddler.
2: I have supersonic hearing (as Aaron calls it). I hear Elsie's tiniest little noises. I hear every sound imaginable when I'm trying to get to sleep...which is why I use a fan. Although the fan still doesn't block it all out. It really drives me crazy, but I can't help it. That is not my only super power though. I am always always getting shocked or shocking people. Aaron thinks I carry some special electric powers and calls me Electrika...dorky, I know. We always joke around about what our powers would be. I make fun of his webbing (that's right...he has some "minor" webbing on his fingers) and say he would be Aquaman. Or wolfman...'cause he's kind of hairy.
3: I love minivans. Everyone I know has dreaded the day they had to finally get a minivan. I, on the other hand, have always wanted one...even before we had kids. They are so practical, and I love that. I truly appreciate things that are practical. I'm kind of that way with clothes as well. Plus, we never had one growing up and I was always so jealous of my cousins' Astro vans. Anyway, my day has finally come. We've been needing another car since this summer when Aaron sold his two-toned Saturn. He's been working with a friend who goes to auctions in Utah and was looking for a truck (he wants one so badly). He finally decided a couple weeks ago to start looking for a van and realized we could afford that more easily and it would still serve many of the same purposes. So, I am the proud owner (well, not until this coming Monday officially) of a Toyota Sienna. To me this is a big deal.
4: I only have one fallopian tube. Not much to add to that...I just thought it was something not many people could say. (This is how desperate I was getting for interesting things about me.)
5: I have one eyebrow (thanks Lindsay for the eyebrow idea) that is significantly higher than the other one. I have a horrible time finding sunglasses where the one eyebrown doesn't pop up above the frame. Thank goodness big glasses are still kind of in right now. If I ever have to wear regular glasses, I don't know what I will do. I guess contacts are the only solution. I know everyone's faces are not totally symmetrical, but I'm talking more than just a little off. In pictures, it looks like I'm tilting my head. Really, look at a picture of me and I guarantee you'll see it.
Well, that's it. I'll tag anyone else that wants to do it. Have fun!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
video fun
Now that we are back by a Target, we've been there a million times. Just like every other kid in the world, she loves to go by the toy section and push all the buttons. It's even more fun when music plays.
This video was when we were still in ML. Just a funny one of her running around with her hat. She always gets really wired in the evening when she should be settling down for bed.
This was the first time she's really discovered the automatic sliding doors at the stores. Obviously, she loved them! Now, she just wants to play in them instead of actually going in the store. (Ignore the annoying lady who worked at the store...she wouldn't stop talking to us!)
I was not really paying attention to Elsie as she was playing and singing and then I looked up and realized she was using the antenna as a microphone. How cute is that?! (Oh, by the way, our new TV and entertainment center is in the background.) Of course, by the time I got the camera, she was fizzling out and then just wanted to come over and watch herself on it.
Friday, October 24, 2008
new job, daycare and the gym,
We signed up at the gym here and finally started going back this week...after a week and a half vacation from the gym. Boy oh boy, I am dying!! I did a step class on Wed, a spinning class yesterday (well, 3/4 of the class...Aaron and I were too exhausted to finish), and another step class today. I had been pretty good about going to the gym the last month or two, but these workouts have been way harder than the class I was going to up in ML. I'm glad, but am looking forward to resting a bit this weekend.
Speaking of the gym, while I'm working out Elsie goes to the daycare there. She has actually been really good about not crying when we drop her off, but we have not received wonderful reports when we pick her up. She made two little girls cry today! It sounds like all she did was say "NO NO NO" while pointing her finger (thanks Grandma Wise for teaching her that...ha ha), but still, my daughter is making people cry. That's not good. I don't want to have a "mean girl" daughter. Aaron just thinks it's funny, but I'm starting to get paranoid. Not really...but hopefully she'll grow out of this. I was talking to this lady tonight and telling her about Elsie and how she's a firecracker. I told her about the daycare incident, and she just said, "Well, at least they didn't make her cry!" I guess there's something to be said for that. We know she can hold her own!
home decor
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
kissing qiana
saying goodbye
A few days before we left ML, we went out on a little walk to take some pictures and practice with the camera and say goodbye to the horses.
Elsie will now do her most cheesy smile on cue if we say "cute smile". We didn't realize this until this little photo shoot. Oh my gosh, it was so cute!
weekend with family
I took some fun pictures of Kaiya and Elsie while they were goofing around and jumping on the bed. Kaiya, who used to not cooperate when taking pictures, was totally into it. She was posing and smiling so big. She kept tilting her head to the side for every picture. It was making me laugh.