Elsie was doing really well in the pool this summer and really seemed to be liking it. We'd put her in a little floatie ring and push her around the pool. When she got sick of that, we would put her in a big floatie that would kind of fill up with water and let her play around in that. She had a bit more freedom to move that way. Well, it all went downhill when we decided to see what she would do if we got her face underwater. It was both of our faults...ever since then, she has really disliked being in the pool. She loves to walk around the pool and watch other people in it, but she just gets super grumpy when we take her in. I'm hoping she'll forget about it by next summer. Until then, we'll have to keep her busy doing something else.
As I posted earlier (and then posted a video), Elsie is a walking machine. She has been so happy and adventurous now that she is walking. Just over the last few days, she's getting a lot more daring and climbing up onto things. Now, keep in mind these are not real tall objects...have you seen her short, little legs?! When she walks, she looks like a little munchkin. I can hardly stand how cute it is!
No, Elsie did not go to Mardi Gras! A few weeks ago I bought these bead necklaces at the drug store because I noticed she loved the beads at Grandma Wise's house. Well, these were the best purchase I've ever made. She can play with them for hours! We play all sorts of games with them. She loves to take them on and off and carry them around the house. The other day we played this game where I would sing "pretty beads, pretty beads..." (keep in mind, I can't sing and it was some made up tune) and would drop the beads on the floor as she laughed and laughed. Then she would bring each one to me (she concentrated so hard to bend down and pick them up) and we'd start all over. Good times!
Well, the estate sale went really well. It was a ton of work, but we managed to get it done and sold most of the things we were wanting to. The worst part of the weekend was that we had to then move our stuff out of the basement of David's office building and into the house. Aaron and Jared worked their butts off getting it all done. I felt so bad for them! Well, mostly Jared...I tried to get Aaron to get more help, but that didn't happen. We still have all sorts of boxes around the house that need to get organized and put away. I went really strong for the first few days, but my enthusiasm has dwindled. We got the dishes out, and that's all that was extremely important.
It's hard to think that we'll be doing this all again in just a couple of months, but we are going to have to. We made a decision to move back to Nampa since our house hasn't sold. It was a tough decision to have to come to, but we had to make up our minds and just do something about it. We've been waiting and waiting for months, and nothing is happening. When we drove through our neighborhood on a trip back from UT, we realized that the market is even worse then we thought and they are still building in our subdivision. None of the existing homes are selling at all. We feel good about our decision. Things have definetely changed over the last couple months and our view of where we need to be and want to be doing have changed! We don't see Nampa as being our final stopping point in life. Aaron really wants to go back to UT, and I finally feel like I'm finally in a place where I can support that and go for it. We'll see how it all plays out and what the timing of it all is...as for now, we'll be heading back to Nampa sometime in October.
I have been having a lot of trouble the last while getting my mind and self to a happy place. I feel like I've worked through some things that have been causing me a lot of stress and anxiety, but I miss feeling happy. I know I'm the only one that can make that happen, it's just hard. I'm sure I'm not the only one that has ever felt this way. I just wanted to explain where I've been.
elsie would do so well at mardi gras...look at those beads! love the crazy gene wilder hair as well. oh she makes me smile.
You have an adorable little girl. She should be in movies.
Those eyelashes! Too cute.
Elsie is so adorable! It's strange how when they start to walk the baby part seems to disappear. I will definately plan on stopping by your Nampa house next time we pass through. Don't rush the happy stuff, it will come back. Love you Kim.
I can't believe how she is looking so little girl and not so baby girl! She is darling! Love the walk - it makes me laugh! Hang in there Kim, things will take time to get back to "normal" (whatever normal is!) Love you!
Elsie sleeping in the carseat is so precious! I love when my kids fall asleep in the car, it means we had a good, fun day! The pink hat and swimsuit, too cute! Your Seattle trip looked fun. No kidding no variety around here. Taco anyone?
Hey Kim -
ADOREABLE little girl!!! And guess what? She looks EXACTLY like YOU!!!! I remember seeing that same little face years ago! Way too cute!
Best wishes with all your changes ahead. I agree - the "happy stuff" will come back. There's just a natural course grieving takes - but it will ease.
Love ya - Janice (Woodruff)
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