While we were in UT, I got to go shopping with my friend, Jill, and visit with her while Aaron and his dad were golfing. I always have such fun talking with her. It's crazy to think we were roommates 12 years ago! We had a couple extra days in Utah before heading to California, so we were able to visit with Jeff and Nicole and their kids and went down to Tamu's house for a little visit. Elsie was starting to get a cold on Monday, so we just hung out at home. We were supposed to go to 7 Peaks with Jared/Lindsay, kids, and Angie, but we had to cancel that. We did not want to have a super sick child for the rest of the week. It was nice to just relax that day and catch up on some rest.
Gary and Sylvia have the most wonderful backyard. They've put so much time and effort into making it so beautiful and relaxing. Gary just finished a new water feature in the corner, and they took Elsie out for a photo shoot. You can't really see the water feature too well, but Elsie cute enough.

We drove down to CA on Tuesday with Aaron's parents. It was a long day driving, but really a nice trip. We stopped every few hours to eat and stretch. Gary had bought a portable DVD player, so we were able to get some Wiggles movies to keep Elsie happy. She fell asleep for a bout an hour early in the drive and then never feel asleep again. I was getting worn out, but Sylvia stepped in and kept her happy and entertained.
The next three days we spent at the beach. Oh, it was delightful! I really do love being at the beach. It is so peaceful and feels so good to be in the sun but not totally burning up. I was very anxious to see how Elsie was going to react to it all...the sand, the waves, the water, all the people. She loved it! We took her down to the water and let her stand right where the waves come up after they've crashed down. She loved to feel it splash up on her, but she really loved when the water rushed back down. We did it over and over and over again! Thank goodness we could all take turns because it got very tiring bending down and lifting her up.
We took lots of snacks to the beach and Elsie loved sitting on the blanket eating chips and gummy bears. So nutritious, right?! It's okay, I downed a box of Cheez-its over those few days. Maybe I shouldn't be admitting that. I don't do as well skipping meals as the rest of them.
My cousin, Alysha, lives just a few minutes from where we were staying, so she was able to come meet up with us at the beach a couple times. It was so fun to have time to just sit and visit. One day she brought her little niece (who is just a couple months younger than Elsie...and a lot taller) and they had fun playing together. They got especially sandy that day...Piper (Alysha's niece) liked shoveling the sand onto Elsie as well as the bucket. Thank goodness they have showers there.
Elsie loved playing in the sand. I was a little nervous that she would be bugged by it on her hands since she's always wanting me to clean off her hands. It didn't bother her a bit.

I attempted boogie boarding with Aaron again this trip. The first couple attempts out in the waves were pretty traumatic (as usual) but I toughed it out and was able to catch a few waves. I really do like it, I just suck at it. Plus, I'm not the best at following Aaron's directions. The third day at the beach, the waves were bigger and I really got pummelled that day. That was the day he also tried to teach Alysha. She got worked over by a few waves as well. It's much more fun to watch someone else getting traumatized! Aaron, of course, is a pro...and cheesy!!
We were able to go to some nummy restaurants and eat lots of food. One night we went to really nice steakhouse that Gary and Sylvia have loved for years. We'd been there once before and it was delicious. Well, our experience this time was not so great...mostly because Elsie was so grumpy! I mean, it was embarrassing. It was a nice restaurant and we couldn't even keep her at the table. But, we survived it.
One of the other highlights of the trip was getting to see Grandma Wise and the rest of Gary's family. We hadn't been down there for about 5 years, so we were definitely due for a visit. Grandma Wise turned 90 this summer and is doing so well. She still lives in her house in Anaheim and was very excited for our visits. She is so sweet and fun to visit with. I was really glad that Elsie got to meet her. She was even pleasant enough to give Great-Grandma a hug and kiss.

We didn't go to Disneyland while we were down there. I know, shocking! I was really fine with it because I'm not a fan of being too hot and walking around all day. Plus, we wanted to wait to take Elsie when she's a little older. Next year sometime. There were a few moments, though, when I got so sad that we weren't there, like when I could see the fireworks from Grandma Wise's house. I just had to keep reminding myself...next year!
Well, we got tan, had a great time relaxing and visiting, ate lots of good food, and didn't want to come home. Sounds like a good vacation to me!
lovin' the fact that you got elsie in all of her different bathing suits. She is just sooooooo adorable.
I'm glad you had a good time. It looked like fun!
Oh the beach! I love it but haven't been for a couple years. Somehow we're taking this crew next year too. And I'm hoping we hit up Disney at the same time. Love the photos of Elsie, she is so dang cute!
What a great trip! I am shocked you were so close and didn't make it to Disneyland, but it will be so much better when Elsie can enjoy it, too. You and Elsie were in this really strange dream of mine last night...
How fun! Glad you all got to go, especially to see Great Granny! She is so dang cute!
I love the pics of Elsie in the water, that's exactly what Cannon did on his first beach trip too!
That looks like an awesome trip. Remember when your Grandparents whooped us in golf - we were hitting it all over the place while they would hit it straight down the fairway 100 yards at a time.
Have a good one buddy!
Looks like you all had a ton of fun! I still wish we could have been there - maybe next year! Elsie is so dang cute - love that tutu! Grandma looks so dang good. We miss her a ton! Love you guys!
love that purple bikini, I would take great pleasure in pulling the little bottoms down, removing her diaper and seeing that little pussy
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