Well, Elsie is making strides in her efforts to walk. She loves to walk along furniture and walk while holding our hands. It does look pretty cute with her short, little legs. We've decided the reason she's having a hard time walking on her own is that her torso is so much longer than her legs. I love it! Yesterday, she finally decided she was able to walk while pushing her hippo. It always moved too fast for her before, but she can keep up with it now!

Elsie has mastered the art of throwing fits already. She is good! She'll just throw herself on the floor (often times banging her head in the process...you'd think she'd learn) and cries and cries. I guess it doesn't help when your mom is trying to take pictures of you being upset. Thank goodness most of the time she is an absolute delight!

We are very excited for "So You Think You Can Dance?!" at our house. Elsie loves to dance to music and claps her hands. I think Carson may have some competition. This is her latest move. I see hip-hop in her future...don't you think?!
hooray for Elsie!!! I can't wait to get my hands on her! (that will surely make her throw a fit!)
She is just too big!! I LOVE her "moves!" Can't wait to see you guys!
Yea! She's walking!
I like the dance moves. Maybe we could start like a family dance group and then they could go on MTV's America's Best Dance Crew.
Move over Carson!
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