I will have to say that it's been kind of nice just reading other people's blogs and not worrying about what I'm going to write or what pictures to post. Like I've said before, writing is not my favorite thing, and I get anxiety (ok, a bit of an exaggeration) when it comes to blogging.
We are doing well here in Moses Lake. Aaron has a very nice work schedule, and I've been very spoiled. Elsie is continuing to keep us entertained and busy. She is now pulling herself up all the time (she suddenly became very able and confident while we were in Utah) and discovering a whole new world of things she never was able to reach before. She has definitely taken her time with each new stage, but she is happy as can be.

We've had a fun last couple of weeks. We went down to Utah for a about 6 days and had a great time with Aaron's family. The only bummer part is that Aaron wasn't feeling great for the first few days, and he wasn't up to doing much. We played lots of games, ate good food, celebrated Jeff's birthday, and went skiing. (The last time I went skiing was when I was a senior in high school...and that had only been my second time skiing.) Elsie got lots and lots of attention from her cousins, aunts and uncles...but mostly from her grandparents. She loved it!! It was nice for Aaron and I to have a break. We even got to hold hands in the mall. I liked it!
Elsie is still the pickiest eater in the world and doesn't have a big appetite to top it off. There are a few things she does love...toast, cheese, pizza, chocolate, and grapefruit. A well-rounded diet, right?! She is SO stubborn. I really have tried everything, but she will make herself throw up if she doesn't want to eat it. Every once in a while she'll decide to try something new and actually like it. One day at Grandma and Grandpa Wise's house, she went crazy on a banana! I was so excited and she was so cute with her mouth stuffed to the brim. She couldn't take big enough bites! Hopefully, she'll lose some of her pickiness over time...or she'll just keep being as stubborn as ever...like her mom (as Aaron would say)!
thanks for blogging and giving me something to read during the day....
Love the pics and missed you while you were away. Elsie makes me smile!
Kim you did such a great job skiing, I would never know you hadn't gone in forever! It was really fun to see you all and hang out! Now you know why I don't blog at home.....the lovely dial-up!!! Love you all!
I wondered if you were ever going to update. Glad you guys are having a good time in Moses Lake. Don't worry about Elsie's food stubborness, it works itself out and comes and goes I think. She is such a doll.
So if Elsie is a picky eater, does that mean that she doesn't want to eat everything you have? Cause I would be a fan of that :) What a cutie!
Love the bangs and the update.
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