Aaron, Elsie, and I have had a nice couple weeks together while we've been getting settled. We got his office set up at my mom's house and put a bunch of files together for the cases he's been assigned so far. He actually has his first court stuff next week. But, in the meantime, we've just been having fun. We've been addicted to Ticket to Ride...and played it just about every afternoon with my Grandma. I must say that I am the ultimate champion at the game...I'm unstoppable.
This last weekend we went to Pasco for Chloe's blessing. My dad was in town for it, and Mitch also flew in from NY for the week. We've been having fun visiting with him and eating a bunch of crappy food. Elsie still hasn't decided if she likes having Mitch around. Sometimes she looks at him and gets all sad, and then other times she's smiley and happy. I think she has issues with men!

Wrigley and Murphy have been playing together all the time. They run around outside and through the fields around the house. I'm glad they both have someone to play with.
One of Elsie's favorite things to do at my mom's house is to stand up on the couches and look out her front windows. It's the only time that she actually tries to stand. She could do it all day long! By the way, can you see the sweet mullet Elsie has...when I get it curly it's actually pretty cute.
One day Aaron was out shoveling snow and was making Elsie laugh so hard by dancing across the window. I caught the tale end of her laughing, and if you look really hard you can see Aaron's sweet dancing skills.

Elsie has this cute little cell phone that lights up and makes sounds when you push buttons and open it. She has been loving it! She has even learned to put it up to her ears like she's talking.
Just a couple cute pictures from today. She has discovered her tongue lately and is always doing funny things with it.

All in all, we are doing well here. It is finally warming up, so we are happy about that. Reality will probably set in a little bit next week for me when Aaron has to actually work and go to court. I guess I'll have to make some friends!
Cute pics of Elsie. We are excited to see you guys and can't wait to play ticket to ride.
I LOVE that video! Elsie is too cute and Aaron...what great dancing skills! I am glad that you are getting settled! I must say that Jeff and I also love that dang ticket to ride! It is too much fun and that is all we play since Christmas!! Love you guys!
So great to "hear" from you guys! Elsie is looking super cute with her haircut now. Glad you guys are getting settled and having some fun with all the snow.
The dancing skills are hilarious and I love her laugh. She is looking so grown up and cute!
I love Ticket to Ride.
I think that Aaron still has some of those crazy mad dance skills that I remember from Lake Powell. Wow instead of an attorney he should make a video! (smile) I don't blame Elsie for laughing!
She is just growing so fast!
That dance was hilarious! Elsie is adoable, I love the pic with the phone. She is in a really great stage right now!
Oh you make me homesick! And I love the video and hearing Tami in the background too.
I love Elsie's sweet little face, those cheeks need some smooshie kisses! It is so great to have time all together, glad you guys are happy in ML so far!
Hey kim,
I am for sure driving through Moses Lake this summer when I do my annual drive from UT up to Bellevue. I am going to call you and stop in to see you all on my way! I would love to see you Angie and Your mom, and I have to meet the infamous Elsie! She's so cute. I have a word doc I can email you with instructions on how to change your blog format. Email me at erinmehler@gmail.com and I'll send them to you. Otherwise you can just go to a site like pimpmyblog.com and pick from some more options. It's fun to change the html stuff yourself, but with dial up internet, it may take hours.
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