Last Wednesday I went to the doctor to get some warts frozen on my feet. I know you're probably thinking you don't really want to hear about my warts, but I have to whine for just a second. I had quite a few small ones on both feet, so I had him do both feet at the same time. I'm miserable now. They hurt so bad and it still hurts to walk on them. I'm hoping by the end of this week, I'll feel better. Until then I'll continue to walk like a gimp...and have Aaron get me things!
I've really been trying to give Elsie new things to try eating by herself. She's funny, though, because she really doesn't like to touch many things. I did give her some plain cooked ramen noodles the other day, and she LOVED it. She was so cute as she was eating and trying to suck in the noodles. She makes the cutest noise, too. I don't know what else to try giving her. Every time I give her anything slightly wet or mushy, she won't touch it. She is a bit of a diva...I STILL have to hold her bottle for her as well.

Aaron got shower with Elsie before church yesterday, and they had a good time. Elsie was loving feeling the water on her back and even snuggled right into Aaron (that is a special treat)! She definitely loves the water and could stay there all day.

(Aaron thinks it looks like he has hairy boobs in this picture...and it does! I will clarify that it is his arm and left part of his hairy chest. But it's much more fun to say he has hairy boobs!)
Thanks for clarifying his arm and chest, it could look like he had lightly shaved his posterier.
Isn't Elsie the cutest, most beautiful baby ever ???? We miss you all so much.
That made me laugh out loud!!
Ha! That was funny! I love the pictures of Elsie! I think my favorite one is that face she's making in the top photo. I can't wait to see her!
Cute Elsie! Nice boobs Aaron!
I love your titaaaays!
We all know it really is his hairy boobs - sorry Aaron!! Elsie is darling! Love you all!
Scarlet loves graham crackers, ritz crackers and Craisins... just some ideas for ya. Oh she is also obsessed with goldfish crackers too. Babies are so darn funny.
i love baby elsie but i think i love aaron's boobs even more. :)
seriously, those pictures almost me blush! (j/k) I LOVE the picture of else making her funny face. and Kate totally still makes me hold her bottle. Today was the first day i wouldn't do it and man was she mad.
Hey Kim, sorry about your feet! Elsie is darling, my kids always love the shower on their back as well. I've been meaning to ask what kind of formula does Elsie drink, I have tons of the 7-8 dollar off coupons, let me know and I will send them out to you.
Jared, you kill me every second!! How will you explain hairy boobies to your kids? hee hee
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