We had a great time up in Moses Lake this year for Christmas. Christmas morning is so much fun with kids! We didn't do a whole lot while we were up there visiting...just ate a lot, hung out and visited, and played some games.
We drove up Friday afternoon and got there early enough to go out to dinner at Inca...Aaron's favorite Mexican restaurant that's not actually in Mexico. Saturday morning Elsie woke up very early (there is a one hour time difference) and so Aaron and I hung out for a while with her. We went over to Grandma's to get some toast and jam...that was nummy! We also played a game of Phase 10 while Elsie played with some of her second cousins. That evening was the BYU game, so we went to J's Teriyaki (Aaron's other favorite ML restaurant) to get some food for the game. While Aaron was glued to the TV, my mom and I wrapped presents. That was quite a task! Good thing Aaron was able to entertain Elsie. Sunday morning we lounged around and then got ready for Church. Jared and Lindsay drove up that morning with their kids just in time for church. I got to see Chloe for the first time. She is so beautiful and tiny. It was fun to compare her to Elsie now. I've forgotten how small and fragile they are at first. My mom made a wonderful ham dinner for us that evening with pomegranate salad...which Elsie loved! We didn't do much on Monday. I went to the store with my mom that morning to do some last minute grocery shopping. We lounged around, played Acquire, and went to Grandma's for Christmas Eve dinner. There was so much food, but, of course, we filled ourselved up on rolls. The kids did the nativity (they were all so cute...I didn't get any pictures of that). Jeff and Brandon came over afterwards to play Settlers and Ticket to Ride. That was lots of fun!
Christmas morning Elsie woke up pretty darn early, so that got the ball rolling. Carson had left a note for Santa with some cookies and milk. He went to check that first and then they scoped out their Santa gifts.

We all took turns opening our presents. However, the kids had way more than any of us, so they got to do a few at a time. Elsie wasn't too interested in opening anything or playing with the paper. Once we showed her what she got, she liked looking at it for a second. She was more interested in crawling around.

Elsie got: Little People bus, Little people barn, lots of books, a grab-n-go hippo, some cute outfits, a phone, a laptop (she loves this one), a few little trinkets, and some money to go shopping! Aaron got: The Bourne Ultimatum, Ticket to Ride, The Office (on DVD), a couple books, and a Michael Scott bobblehead. I got: Harry Potter DVD, Bath and Body Works gift card, a sweater, a spicerack, The Office. We also got some new silverware and some money to do some more shopping! Good thing, I need some clothes!
Christmas day we continued our laziness. I didn't even shower until late that afternoon. We watched the Bourne movie that night because Lindsay and my mom hadn't seen it yet. It was good the second time around. We left Wednesday to make sure that we didn't get stuck in any bad weather in the mountains. It wasn't too bad, but I'm sure glad that I wasn't the one driving.
We had a great Christmas!