Elsie is changing so much! It is so fun to see the new things that she does. She is really getting good at sitting up now. Of course, she doesn't sit up on her own. If I sit her in the right position, she'll stay there for quite a while. While we watched Aaron's football game, she sat next to me the whole time. I enjoyed that! The other thing Aaron and I were really noticing this weekend is how she is so curious and interested in what is happening around her. She likes to observe everything and be a part of things. That is why she won't drink her bottle when anyone is around or we are anywhere besides our house. All she wants to do is look around. I attempted to feed her at the game, but it didn't work very well. I don't know what I was thinking. She always has to be facing outward, she absolutely will not fall asleep at church (or anywhere else besides her crib) because she's too busy looking around, and she LOVES being around other kids. It is amazing how she will just light up when there is another child around.
I had to put this cute picture up of Elsie watching TV. She has recently become very interested in the TV and will watch anything that is on. I suppose I should probably care that she's watching the TV a lot, but I don't. When it's on (which is most of the day...I need noise), why not watch it! 

loves tv...a girl after my own heart!!
My kids have always been fascinated by the TV when they were babies too. They probably come by it naturally. I remember when we lived with Jim, along with Angie, and she'd always have MTV on or something. Carson was fascinated with the lights.
it's true, elsie was totally loving being around the other babies at justin's wedding reception. that's adorable.
was she watching b. spears' VMA performance in this picture? that's what my face looked like.
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