We went over to my grandma's house one morning last weekend to get some toast and jam. Elsie was sitting in her Bumbo chair (the greatest invention) while we were eating. I decided to break off a little piece of my toast for her to gnaw on to give her something to do. I had done it before with a piece of pizza crust, and she loved it. However, I have also tried it with a piece of toast crust, and pieces kept breaking off making her gag. So when I handed her the piece, Aaron was reluctant to let her have it because he thought it would make her choke. I told him she would be fine. He was not happy with me and kept insisting that it wasn't good for her. I just ignored him. Well, just like he thought, she was kind of gagging on some pieces, so he finally took it away from her. No big deal. A few minutes later he went to pick her up and, OOPS, she threw up all over him. It just kept coming out of her mouth!! Jared and I just start laughing because you should've seen Aaron's face. He was not amused!! He was so mad and didn't say anything. I knew he wanted to kill me. I think that's what made it so funny. We went back over to my mom's house, so Aaron could change his shirt and Elsie's pajamas. I had to take a picture! I swear, right as I called out Elsie's name for her to look at the camera, she turned around with the biggest smile on her face. It was like she was thinking, "This is funny!" Sorry to Aaron for making Elsie puke. Glad it wasn't on me! I'm very proud of you for not throwing up yourself.
best picture ever!
I'd say pretty much everybody in your family has a sense of humor, right down to baby Elsie!
That picture is priceless! I knew Aaron was so very disgusted, but felt bad feeling that way about his darling baby girl. He's a great dad!
I'm impressed he stayed quiet! Milo would have been glaring at me and saying, 'I told you so!' We have a hard time keeping it in. Love that you grabbed the camera!
that was the coolest thing I've ever seen in my life.
Good job, Elsie! Sorry, Aaron, this won't be the last time that happens!!! Love you!
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