Jobs I've Had:
paper route, babysitter, cashier at golf course, receptionist at Dr. Dave's, telemarketer, teacher, dental assistant, dental receptionist, receptionist at Prosecutor's Office, substitute teacher, billing/reception at Orthodontic Office, and, FINALLY, a mom!
Places for a Weekend Getaway:When Aaron and I were in Moscow for law school, we used to go up to Spokane a lot to shop and stay overnight because we could. Or, we would go to Moses Lake to visit family. Not much has changed. We either go to ML or Orem whenever we travel. Someday when we have money (haha), we'll have change it up a bit!
Movies I Can Watch Over and Over Again: Grease, Newsies, The Notebook, any Disney movie...for the most part, though, I don't enjoy repeating movies (it drives Aaron crazy.)
Guilty Pleasures:
Blogging/Reading Blogs, naps, eating dessert, some tv shows...namely "Scott Baio is 45 and Single" and "Rock of Love" (they are so awful!)
Places I've Lived:Bothell, WA; Bellevue, WA; Moses Lake, WA; Provo/Orem, UT; Moscow, ID; Boise/Nampa, ID
Places I've Been On Vacation:Disneyland, Minnesota, Moses Lake, Mazatlan, Germany, Hawaii, and others that I'm forgetting
What I First Thought When I Saw Aaron:
I thought he was good looking. He was very confident and it intimidated me. We met while in training at Convergys. I was very quiet, and Aaron has since told me that he thought I was socially retarded. He later added that he thought that because I wasn't trying to flirt with him and wasn't paying much attention to him. That makes me laugh!
If I'm in a Jam With Aaron, Tactics I Use to Get Out of the Doghouse:
Cry! I don't really mean to use this, but it really does work. Crying for me is something I can't control. Whether I'm stressed, upset, tired, hungry, embarrassed, frustrated (you name it), I automatically cry. I really can't even help it. However, it has proved to come in handy in many situations. (Right Aaron?)
Favorite Foods:
cereal, cheese, peanut butter, chocolate, ice cream,, so healthy!
Websites I Visit Daily:all the blogs, email, fox news
First Kiss Location:on the doorstep at our house in was very anti-climatic. Not the greatest...and they never got much better (with that guy!) With Aaron, our first kiss was in his parent's basement. How romantic!
Places I'd Rather Be Right Now:
Disneyland...I could sit there all day and not even do rides. I just love it there.
Moses Lake or be with family
People I Tag:Lindsay, Myca, Nena, Alissa, Jill...O.K., anyone who hasn't done it yet. It's fun to read!!