We had a yard sale last weekend in preparation for our move to Utah. (Yes, we are moving in a couple weeks.) I had promised Elsie earlier in the summer that she could do a lemonade stand because she saw a little friend of hers having one at their yard sale. Well, it was a big hit, and she had lots of customers. She was loving collecting all her coins for Disneyland! And she even wrote the sign all by herself.

We were at the Nike Factory Store and found these tennis shoes for Elsie. She needed some new fall shoes and some for our trip, and we couldn't pass these up. I think I'm in love with them even more than she is. I want them in my size!

Elsie this month: Loves playing Candyland...she's obsessed. Thinks we need to go swimming every day. Is counting down the days until Grandpa comes to pick her up. Loves to talk, read, watch shows. Couple funny things she always says: "Why did you didn't...?" and while playing games "That little bit helps." (I know only Aaron and I will care about that stuff.)
Kim this month: Stressed about getting stuff ready to move. Having back/leg problems. Getting a decent tan! Enjoying eating cereal again (I'll have to put a stop to that soon). Counting down the days until our trip to Disneyland.
Aaron this month: Training for triathlons and marathon. Taking care of the yard which included planting a new tree and figuring out what to do with the extra landscape rock. Getting really sick of work but only 1 1/2 more weeks. Hanging out with us and taking care of the crazy, sensitive girls that we are! :)
So we are finally making the move to Utah that we have talked about for so long. We are excited! We are renting out our house in Nampa and moving in with Aaron's brother and family. They were kind enough to let us and Charlie move in, so we are so grateful for that. Aaron is going out on his own and is hoping to do some criminal defense, bankruptcy, P.I., etc. He's really looking forward to being on his own, choosing what cases he wants to take, setting up his own schedule, and not having to deal with carnies! Plus he's playing on his friends' flag football team, which he's been missing out on for ten years. Elsie is signed up for preschool down there already. We are looking forward to being closer to family and friends, but we will miss it here a ton. It's bittersweet, but we are ready.