We laughed all weekend about how different Q and Elsie are when it comes to personal space. Elsie needs her space and Q loves to be in your space. I think Q won this time!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Rockin' Robin
We went out to Red Robin while they were here. So delicious and so fun!
We laughed all weekend about how different Q and Elsie are when it comes to personal space. Elsie needs her space and Q loves to be in your space. I think Q won this time!
We laughed all weekend about how different Q and Elsie are when it comes to personal space. Elsie needs her space and Q loves to be in your space. I think Q won this time!
My Halloween Post...very late
Halloween has come and gone and Thanksgiving is just next week. Where does the time go?!
We asked Elsie what she wanted to be for Halloween, and she was determined to be Sleeping Beauty. I'll admit...not my favorite princess. But she was not budging. So I figured we would buy her an awesome costume from the Disney Store when we were in Utah. She reminded me that she already had the costume in her dress-up box from Christmas and we didn't need to buy another one. (So practical...it was taking the fun out of it for me!!) Those weren't fancy enough for me, so we bought the nice dress from the store anyway. But it was too itchy, so we returned it. When we got home and were getting her costume ready for her preschool party, I suggested switching to the Cinderella dress-up because it came with more accessories (and I had the right clothes to wear under it to stay warm). She went for it and LOVED it!!
Ang and Q came down for Halloween weekend. What a blast! The first night we had Alysha and Myca (and families) over for dinner. The next night we went to the ward Trunk-or-Treat. Here's Elsie and Q modeling their costumes.

Q, Hailey, and Elsie

Elsie and Q loved getting candy from everyone. Am I the only one that thinks Trunk-or-Treat is pretty lame?

Then it was time to carve a pumpkin. Aaron usually gets pretty into it, but he was not feeling it this year. He agreed to do one pumpkin, so I could take pictures. I was trying to catch his concentration face, so he tried extra hard to just keep smiling.
A little bit of concentration...not as good as it usually is.
Elsie, on the other hand, was doing some major concentrating!!
Good job, Dad!

While Aaron was carving, Ang was keeping the girls happy with a little dancing. The hit of the evening was "Time Warp".

Q also found a nice comfy spot under the table.
We asked Elsie what she wanted to be for Halloween, and she was determined to be Sleeping Beauty. I'll admit...not my favorite princess. But she was not budging. So I figured we would buy her an awesome costume from the Disney Store when we were in Utah. She reminded me that she already had the costume in her dress-up box from Christmas and we didn't need to buy another one. (So practical...it was taking the fun out of it for me!!) Those weren't fancy enough for me, so we bought the nice dress from the store anyway. But it was too itchy, so we returned it. When we got home and were getting her costume ready for her preschool party, I suggested switching to the Cinderella dress-up because it came with more accessories (and I had the right clothes to wear under it to stay warm). She went for it and LOVED it!!
Elsie and Q loved getting candy from everyone. Am I the only one that thinks Trunk-or-Treat is pretty lame?
We loved having them here to visit and hang out. Ang and I made some delicious peanut butter, chocolate, and pretzel cupcakes, Aaron watched the girls while Ang and I went out to a movie, we did a little shopping, handed out candy to trick-or-treaters, and had lots of playtime!
Elsie played on Angie's iphone. She loved the memory game.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
First Trip to the Dentist
Do you ever have those days when your little one makes you so happy and you just love them so much for it?
I had one of those days when I took Elsie to the dentist for the first time. I was a little nervous about taking her because she doesn't like getting dirty, she has major texture issues and gag reflex issues, and she can be a little stubborn. I know it can be so hard for kids...three years of working in a dental office. But we talked about it a lot and she was so excited to go. She was amazing!!
As soon as the assistant put the sunglasses on Elsie, she thought she was as cool as can be.
I had one of those days when I took Elsie to the dentist for the first time. I was a little nervous about taking her because she doesn't like getting dirty, she has major texture issues and gag reflex issues, and she can be a little stubborn. I know it can be so hard for kids...three years of working in a dental office. But we talked about it a lot and she was so excited to go. She was amazing!!
Preschool Party
Elsie's preschool Halloween party was the beginning of our festivities. Stephanie did such a great job of planning fun games, cute songs, and yummy treats.
Hailey, Elsie, Ryan, and Rylan
Pin the nose on the pumpkin. Rylan was Elsie's assistant. He kinda likes to be real close to her...all the time. :)
Hailey, Elsie, Ryan, and Rylan
Monday, November 1, 2010
Halloween...and catching up on October
While we were getting "LOST"
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