I have been so behind on blogging and commenting on blogs, but I finally got some updates done. I usually look at blogs while I'm eating breakfast in the morning or randomly throughout the day when Elsie wants me to snuggle her while she watches a show. So, most of the time, my hands aren't free to type. I love reading everyone's blogs!! I will try to comment more...starting now. :)
Aaron's been sick this past week. Enough said. Elsie had pink eye and an ear infection last week. I'm sick of everyone being sick!
I officially start my training this week for a half marathon in May. I'm excited to get going and get into better shape!
My friend, Diana, had never seen "Strictly Ballroom" but loves Baz Luhrmann. While Ang was here, we all watched the movie together and she fell in love with it just like his other movies. So, Friday night Diana and I watched "Moulin Rouge". I had forgotten how much I like that movie. We just need to watch "Romeo and Juliet" to complete the trilogy. We're excited. :)
Sunday, February 28, 2010
We went up to McCall for an overnight trip with our friends, the Collins'. We had to get one snowy, winter outing in before it was too late. It was so nice to get away and be with friends. The drive up through the mountains was gorgeous and sunny, and Elsie was a dream in the car...all she needs is a movie and she's set!
After a quick lunch, we went to a park with some sledding hills and got our snow clothes on (in the car because we couldn't check in to the timeshare yet). We weren't quite sure how Elsie would feel about the snow because last winter she got upset when some snow got on her gloves. But we bundled her up anyway, and went for it. She absolutely loved every second of it!! She had a smile on her face the whole time and didn't want to stop.
This one is my favorite!!

I, on the other hand, am not so fond of sledding. I don't know why. It just kind of freaks me out. I don't like not feeling in control. Even on the tiniest hill, I get so nervous. Lame, I know. We got some videos of our little adventure. Nothing too exciting, but you can see how excited Elsie was and how I suck at sledding. (I didn't know that it would copy the titles I gave to each video. It's really bugging me that it's showing up.)
After a quick lunch, we went to a park with some sledding hills and got our snow clothes on (in the car because we couldn't check in to the timeshare yet). We weren't quite sure how Elsie would feel about the snow because last winter she got upset when some snow got on her gloves. But we bundled her up anyway, and went for it. She absolutely loved every second of it!! She had a smile on her face the whole time and didn't want to stop.
After sledding we checked in and got our stuff unpacked and Diana and I ran to the store. The kids really wanted to go swimming at the pool, so we got that over with before dinner. The pool was kind of chilly, even for being inside, so we spent most of the time in the hot tub. That was wonderful! By this time, we were ready for food, relaxing, watching some Olympics, and games!! I don't know...I'm thinking we need to just buy a house with the Collins. It sure makes game nights a lot easier!
We went out for breakfast the next morning at this cute little restaurant. The food was delicious and they gave you so much to eat. Aaron's pancake was the size of a large plate and we ordered a cinnamon roll that was almost just as big. Delicious! Too bad we had to go back home after that. I think we all could've used a nap. Fun times...we'll have to do it again next year.
Visit from Ang and Q
Ang and Q came for a visit President's Day weekend. It was very relaxing and fun to be together. We didn't do a whole lot (that's what happens when you have 2 little girls to handle and no money!) but we still managed to keep ourselves happy. We shopped and ate, watched the Olympics (which Aaron and I have been so obsessed with still...kind of glad they're over because we were staying up way too late!), and practiced making fondant and decorating a cake. That was seriously a highlight of the weekend for me.
Here's our cake. Not too shabby for the first time ever!
Elsie loves snuggling with Ang and loves it even more when she gets to watch "The Princess and the Frog" movie trailer over and over again on Ang's iphone.
Here's our cake. Not too shabby for the first time ever!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
February Fun
I am loving that Elsie is getting old enough to do crafts! She had such a good time making some Valentine's cards for some of our family. She wanted to do everything herself and really did a good job. She is so careful and neat (she freaked out when she got some paint on her finger). It makes for very stress-free crafting.

I finally remembered to have Aaron take a picture of us, and, of course, I totally hadn't really gotten ready that day. Elsie's got some crazy hair as well. Ha!
Olivia came to the library and McDonald's with us last week. The girls were so cute in the car together. Olivia came with purse filled with everything she might need, including "The Killers" CD for us to listen to in the car. They both have matching sunglasses, so they just had to wear them in the car.
One more thing about Elsie:
Elsie will often times say something to me, and I don't understand what she's saying. I'll keep asking her "What?" and she gets so frustrated. Lately, though, after about the third time of me asking her to repeat herself or try to guess what she's saying, she'll go, "B D U S (etc, etc)" and try to spell it out for me. It cracks me up becuase she's so serious and truly thinks she is spelling the word.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
I think Elsie has croup. She has a barking cough and a bit of a runny nose. Argh!! Anyone have any ideas of what to do for her? Do I bother taking her to the doctor? I'm so sick of paying co-pays and then having the doctor tell me we just have to wait it out.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Anything else you'd like to complain about?!
Okay, so I'm talking to myself! But I really need to vent about my frustration with my foot. A few weeks ago the ball of my right foot starting hurting while I was working out. The pain just wouldn't go away, and it was starting to bother me when I was just doing normal activity as well. It seemed to finally get better, and then it started back up again just a few days later. Last week it finally was hurting so bad that I decided I needed to do something about it. Aaron and I went shopping for new shoes, and even bought some inserts with extra padding. I worked out the next morning with no improvement. So I took a few days off from the gym and went back on Monday. Slight improvement, but, by yesterday evening (after having to wear heals for a couple of hours for a church activity), my foot was throbbing again. I didn't work out today, and I'm super frustrated. I know that taking a few days off from the gym is not that big of a deal, but it scares me. I know that step aerobics and running (two of the main activities I do) are not helping this situation, but I'm not going to quit. I'm supposed to do a half-marathon in May, and I'm not backing out. I just want my foot to get better and everything be back to normal...RIGHT NOW!!! I also know I am not patient!!
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