Wednesday, October 14, 2009
She is loved!
Grandma and Grandpa Wise came to visit for the weekend. We had a great time, like we always do. Elsie was spoiled with lots of love and attention. It must be such a let down for her when it goes back to boring ol' me all day long.

Pumpkin Patch
Lots and lots and lots of pictures from our trip to the pumpkin patch with Grandma and Grandpa!!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Wicked Awesome!
Last weekend, my friend Diana and I drove up to WA to see Wicked in Seattle with Angie and Emily. We drove up to ML on Friday and got to celebrate Qiana's first birthday. Some of Angie's friends were there as well as Jared and Lindsay and their kids. On Saturday we drove over to Seattle. Oh, how I love that drive when it start getting so green and mountainous. I really do miss that area so much. The only downer of the weekend was that I lost my voice and couldn't communicate very well. I had been sick leading up to the weekend, and it just got worse with all the talking I was doing.
We went to Cheesecake Factory for lunch and ordered way too much usual!
I absolutely loved the show!!! I had been wanting to see it for so long, and it did not disappoint. It was a "wicked awesome" weekend. (Aaron asked me several times if it was "wicked awesome". Isn't he hilarious?! I bet no one else has thought of that joke before. It got even more funny every time he said it. I'm not being sarcastic at, not a bit!)
We went to Cheesecake Factory for lunch and ordered way too much usual!
September Happenings
A little bit about Elsie this month:
-We finally put a toddler bed in Elsie's room and moved the crib out. She was so excited about it, and did great for naps. But the first few nights were a bit rough. The first night she woke up crying a couple times and we had to go snuggle with her. The next night I woke up to her staring at me at the side of my bed. It was kind of freaky! Another time I just heard this loud exhale out of her nose. Good thing I'm a light sleeper. After a few nights, though, she got used to it and has done great.
-She says "pittas" instead of "pizza"
-Whenever she says a word that starts with an "s", she moves the "s" to the end of the word. She says "tores" instead of "store", "pills" instead of "spill", etc. I think it's so funny!
-I can't believe how much she talks, how much she has to say, how we can have full on conversations, how she is so expressive and funny! This has been one of my very favorite things about her so far.
-We finally put a toddler bed in Elsie's room and moved the crib out. She was so excited about it, and did great for naps. But the first few nights were a bit rough. The first night she woke up crying a couple times and we had to go snuggle with her. The next night I woke up to her staring at me at the side of my bed. It was kind of freaky! Another time I just heard this loud exhale out of her nose. Good thing I'm a light sleeper. After a few nights, though, she got used to it and has done great.
-I don't put make-up on every day, but, when I do , Elsie is right there with me. She wants to do it all by herself and takes it very seriously.
-We've started going to the library again now that summer is over. We went with a big group of friends a couple weeks ago. It was funny to watch her with them because she kind of got everyone else up and dancing and singing. She's definitely a leader, not a follower!
yearly pics by the BYU flag
One last trip to the Zoo
Thursday, October 1, 2009
like father, like daughter
All three of us were sitting in the family room just hanging out. I here Elsie say, "Look Mom, Look Mom." I look down at her and she has pulled her diaper (yes, she's still in diapers...don't judge!) and pants down to show her butt crack. Aaron and I start laughing and she turns around with the biggest grin on her face. Seriously, she's funny!
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