Friday, May 29, 2009
at the playground
Monday, May 25, 2009
"Is this thing on??"
Notice she's so intense, that she even has to close her eyes as she performs.
You've got to listen for her special surprise at the end of this one.
playing catch up
I told Aaron that for Mother's Day I wanted a pedicure. My feet were pretty nasty, I had major callouses on my big toes...anyway, you get the picture. I finally went last week to get it done, and it was heavenly. My feet are very ticklish, but the guy doing it was really good about applying a lot of pressure so I wouldn't twitch all over the place. He even asked me "Are you a runner?" I proudly said "Yes" even though I felt a bit like a fraud. My feet felt so good and looked so pretty when I left the salon. As soon as I got home and Elsie saw my toes, she was determined to get her toes painted. She picked purple!
Sunday, May 24, 2009
I'm not tired, so I guess I'll blog
-Elsie is a talking machine. The last couple days she has started with all sorts of crazy jibberish talking mixed with some of her usual words. I'm fascinated by this language she has come up with and am constantly trying to decode what she says. I know it will start making more sense and she'll learn to say more and more words correctly, but, in the meantime, it can be a bit challenging. She say teetles instead of tickles, pice instead of spiders, mize instead of my or mine...I'm know there's a lot more, but I can't think of them right now. I do love hearing her cute little voice and being able to communicate with her so much more.
-Last weekend we went to see Wolverine. It was way fun to go to the theatre to see a movie, but, truthfully, it wasn't one of my favorites. I like all the other X-Men movies, but I had a hard time getting into this one. Who knows why?! Maybe I'm just getting old and boring. No, I think I just get bored with all the action scenes. It happens in a lot of movies. We rented Marley & Me last night. I wasn't a super fan of that either. Jennifer Aniston just bugged me in that role because it wasn't believable. Plus, I'm not a real dog person (yes, I know we have a dog...but I don't get real sentimental about it.). So, what it comes down to is that I need to see a good movie. I'm 0 for 2. :(
-Last Sunday I stayed home from church with Elsie because she had a fever. For the next couple days, she continued to have it off and on. I took her to the doctor to make sure it wasn't a UTI (thank goodness it wasn't), but they weren't able to find anything else. Anyway, it went away by Wednesday, but I had a few days stuck at home with a sad, sick Elsie. The only good part about her being sick is that she snuggled a lot and slept a lot.
-I've continued running for exercise. I still suck at it! Why can't I do it?? I know it's a mental thing. I'm in pretty good shape overall, but running is just a challenge and I get so frustrated. We'll see how it goes tomorrow.
-Elsie's favorite song right now is "Poker Face" by Lady Gaga. She loves to sing it, but we are not allowed to sing or dance while the song is playing. She's so bossy!
-I don't know why I haven't been taking any pictures lately. I need to work on that.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Happy Birthday to our Man!
Monday, May 11, 2009
My weekend
I had a nice Mother's Day. Aaron let me sleep in and got up with Elsie. However, I couldn't really get back to sleep...but it was a nice thought! When I came out of the room, Aaron was standing at the counter writing in my Mother's Day card. Oops! (I love him to death, but these kind of things...mother's day, valentine's day, etc...are not his thing!) I told him I wan to get a pedicure and a few tans this week as my present. We went to church, took a nice long walk, went a little overboard with yummy food...just a nice, relaxing day with my little family.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Elsie at the library
Elsie is quite the performer and independent little thing. She won't sit on my lap anymore. She has to be front and center. But she always look to me after every "performance" to make sure I was watching and am clapping for her. She's getting to know all the actions to all the songs and rhymes. It puts a humungous smile on my face every time we go because she's just a crack up to watch. She sings along and every once in a while will actually shout out the right word at the right time. Sometimes she'll stand right in front of the lady in charge and just stare at her every movement and copy her. I'm sure some of the other kids and moms are annoyed, but there's no stopping her. She gets in a major zone! And, frankly, it's too cute and I don't want to ruin her fun.
(I've taken a few videos of Elsie at the library in the last couple weeks. I had to keep the camera kind of hidden, otherwise she would just come over and grab it from me. So, it's not always the best view.)
(Notice her "lasso" at the end of this one.)
Saturday, May 2, 2009
We are ready for Disneyland!
I can't sleep, so I might as well blog
It's pouring rain outside right now, which is actually nice to listen to. I was supposed to go running this morning to get ready for my 5K (don't laugh...that's a big deal to me) race that I'm doing next week. I guess I'll just be running on the treadmill at the gym instead. I'm still working on losing weight. I've lost about 19 lbs. so far. I want to lose 5-10 more lbs. I have a certain size I want to get to before I invest in summer clothes. I better get moving!
I had a good week with Elsie. Nothing too exciting or different, but we had a good time together. I never had one of those days where I felt like she was driving me crazy. I feel like she is just getting cuter and cuter and more and more personality. She's talking more and says funny things. I watched another little boy the other night that is a week younger than Elsie. It was so interesting to see the difference between the two of them. Elsie was so much more vocal and understood more, whereas he is more physical. I guess that's a big difference between boys and girls.
Okay, I'll post more later. I can't even keep a thought anymore.