-So we are all sitting on the couch, watching an old Office episode, and playing around. Elsie gets annoyed with me, says "no, no" with a mean face, and points to the tv like she wants me to just go back to watching it. She does this all the time to both us.
-She has always said "ma ma ma" whenever she needed anything. It has gotten to the point, though, where she just walks around saying it even when she doesn't even need me. And it has turned into more of a "muh uh muh uh". It's like she just makes the sound when she's thinking, or maybe slightly struggling with something, or whatever. It's starting to drive me crazy...like chinese torture. Just a constant "muh uh" coming from her mouth. I am not exaggerating this...she's doing it as I type!
-Elsie loves to sing. She's really starting to get into singing the words to all the songs on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and gets really loud. She also loves to sing at the library and in nursery. She's usually the only one you can hear. I LOVE IT!! Combine that with her love of dancing, and I think we've got a star.
-We never leave the house without Elsie's baby, her plastic spoon, and fake piece of pizza. She takes them everywhere...to church, the daycare at the gym, to friends' houses, and the store. She also has to go to sleep with her baby now. When we go check on her at night, she has her baby in the tightest bear hug.

-I have succeeded in making purple Elsie's favorite color. She always wants to wear her purple sock and her purple hair clip. She seeks out the purple crayons. I feel like I have truly accomplished something. If only I could find more cute purple clothes!
-Oh, I've lost 9 pounds!!