You wouldn't know it by looking at most of these pictures, but Elsie was not the happiest little baby on her birthday. For some reason she decided she didn't need naps that day and was a bit of a grump. Plus, we didn't do the cake and presents until later in the evening and that's never the best time of day for her. Even though she was a bit on edge, we had a great time celebrating her first birthday. Our neighbors Troy and Stephanie and their two boys, Brad and Seth, came over. She got some fun toys, a couple books, and new outfit.
We had already sold our kitchen table, so I had to decorate and cover up the green card table. It actually turned out pretty cute. Elsie was very afraid of the balloons. She got really mad and cried whenver we played with them or got them close to her. Weird!

Again, this was one of the few smiles of the night...I don't know how Grandma managed to catch them on camera.

I don't know why I put this one in there. Probably because it is one of the only somewhat decent pictures of me and I wanted to show I was there.

We had to sing happy birthday three times because I couldn't get the video camera working. She liked that part.

Daddy was trying to convince her to try some cake and frosting. She wasn't going for it!

I love the look on her face. She's not so sure about the cake. I didn't think she would really dig into it because she is very picky about what she'll touch.

"Oh, how disgusting! I am not touching that."

She was much happier just sitting with Grandma and Grandpa. She loves the attention!

We did give her a little bath after to clean off some of the frosting in her hair. That was her favorite part of the evening, I think.